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China Time-Honored Brand is the treasure of Chinese business culture, andthe
best in hundreds of years of commercial and industrial competition. Compared with
well-known old brands abroad, China Time-Honored Brand has a long history, but the
inheritance and development are not optimistic, brand innovation ability is
insufficient, brand influence and core competitiveness are rather poor. Not only that,
The brand image of China Time-Honored Brand perceived by entrepreneurs is
wearing a suit, while consumers think it is wearing a long gown and mandarin
coat. One of the most important reasons for this phenomenon is that the lack of
innovation consciousness in the development process of China Time-Honored Brand,
which shows that they do not attach importance to the actual brand innovation
behavior and neglect the diffusion of brand innovation behavior.
Research shows that Consumer Perveived Innovativeness will become the
sustainable competitive advantage of enterprise. Introducing consumer perceived
brand innovativeness into china time-honored brand research field, and the research
model of consumer perceived Time-Honored Brand Innovativeness-cultural
identity-willingness to buy is constructed, and the influence of brand reputation,
media, reference group and nostalgia tendency on consumer perceived Time-Honored
Brand Innovativeness is discussed at the same time. By combing the relevant
literature, we get the effect diagram of consumer perceived brand innovativeness
based on the related literature, and definite consumer perceived Time-Honored Brand
Innovativeness that : consumers' perception of Time-Honored Brand's product /
service/ technology /marketing and management style innovations, the degree of
brand creativity, and potential for continued innotive activity in the future.On the
basis of relevant theory, the research model andhypothesis is proposed , and
variable scale of questionnaire is designed,developmented and formation .Collecting
data through the pre-research and formal research, finally, a total of 594 formal
questionnaires were collected, of which 461 were valid. Using SPSS20.0 and
Amos17.0 to carry out empirical analysis, hypothesis verification and model test, and
finally to discuss and analyze the conclusion, and at the same time to put forward
some suggestions for the development of China time-honored brand.
The empirical results show that China time-honored brand reputation, media,
reference group,and consumer nostalgia will affect Consumer Perceived
Time-Honored Brand Innovativeness, the influence of media and reference groupis
more obvious than the brand reputation and nostalgic; Consumer Perceived
Time-Honored Brand Innovativeness will significantly affect the purchase intention,
cultural identity plays a part intermediary role in between Consumer Perceived
Time-Honored Brand Innovativeness and purchase intention.
Key words: Time-Honored BrandConsumer Perceived Brand
InnovativenessCultural IdentityPurchase Intention
第1章绪论 ....... 1
1.1研究背景与意义 .......... 1
1.2研究方法 .... 4
1.2.2技术路线图 .......... 4
1.3研究内容与框架 .......... 6
第2章文献综述 ... 9
2.1老字号相关研究 .......... 9
2.1.1老字号的定义 ........ 9
2.1.2老字号的发展现状 .... 9
2.1.3老字号的研究现状 ... 11
2.1.4述评 ... 14
2.2消费者感知品牌创新性相关研究 ....... 15
2.2.1消费者感知品牌创新性的概念界定 . 15
2.2.2消费者感知品牌创新性的维度及测量 ........... 17
2.2.3消费者感知品牌创新性的研究现状 . 18
2.2.4述评 ... 20
2.3品牌声誉相关研究 ....... 21
2.4媒介相关研究 ........... 22
2.5参照群体相关研究 ....... 23
2.6怀旧倾向相关研究 ....... 24
2.7文化认同相关研究 ....... 25
2.8购买意愿相关研究 ....... 27
3.1理论基础和模型构建 ..... 29
3.1.1相关理论基础 ....... 29
3.1.2理论模型的提出 ..... 31
3.2研究假设的提出 ......... 32
3.2.1消费者感知老字号品牌创新性的影响因素假设 ... 32
3.2.2消费者感知老字号品牌创新性的影响结果假设 ... 35
3.2.3文化认同的中介作用假设 ......... 36
3.3研究假设汇总 ........... 37
第4章问卷设计 .. 39
4.1问卷设计过程 ........... 39
4.2测量量表设计 ........... 39
4.2.1品牌声誉的测量量表 . 39
4.2.2媒介的测量量表 ..... 40
4.2.3参照群体的测量量表 . 41
4.2.4怀旧倾向的测量量表 . 41
4.2.5消费者感知老字号品牌创新性的测量量表 ....... 42
4.2.6文化认同的测量量表 . 43
4.2.7购买意愿的测量量表 . 44
4.3预调研及数据分析 ....... 44
4.3.1量表项目分析 ....... 45
4.3.2探索性因子分析 ..... 51
4.3.3信度分析 ........... 56
4.4正式问卷题项汇总 ....... 56
第5章正式调研及实证分析 .... 57
5.1数据收集 ... 57
5.2样本描述性统计 ......... 57
5.3变量描述性统计 ......... 61
5.4信度和效度检验 ......... 63。。。。。。