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。课题组 RESEARCH GROUP 清华大学经济管理学院互联网发展与治理研究中心 陈煜波清华大学经济管理学院党委书记兼副院长、教授清华经管互联网发展与治理研究中心主任 马晔风中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所助理研究员清华经管互联网发展与治理研究中心秘书长 黄 鹤 清华经管互联网发展与治理研究中心博士后研究员 邢景丽清华经管互联网发展与治理研究中心博士后研究员 赵逸书清华经管互联网发展与治理研究中心研究助理 本研究由清华大学经管学院互联网发展与治理研究中心、领英中国经济图谱团队合作完成,特别 感谢领英中国经济图谱团队在数据分析方面给予的支持,感谢国家自然科学基金(71532006, 71325005)、国家万人计划青年拔尖人才项目以及教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项目资助 (16JJD630006)。 获取电子版请联系cidg@sem.tsinghua 清华经管互联网发展与治理研究中心/ LinkedIn(领英)2019版权所有 02 / 2019 领英经济图谱研究团队 王延平领英中国公共事务总经理Pei Ying Chua 蔡佩颖领英经济图谱高级数据科学家孙菁泽领英中国公共事务顾问、经济图谱项目负责人魏岩领英中国公共事务顾问任玥领英中国公共事务顾问Di Mo 莫迪领英经济图谱经济研究员、数据科学家Jenny Ying 应知淳领英经济图谱经济研究员、数据科学家核心发现 Key Findings 与全国其他数字经济中心城市相比,相比 于北京和武汉,粤港澳湾区对数字人才具 有更强吸引力,和上海、成都相比吸引力 比较接近,但与杭州相比粤港澳湾区对数 字人才吸引力偏低。 粤港澳湾区的高水平人才和数字人才在深圳、广州和香港 三大城市最为集中,其中深圳排在首位。湾区人才的平均 数字化程度为26.98%,深圳超过30%,远高于其他城市。 粤港澳湾区在制造、消费品和ICT三大行 业的高水平人才占比最高,均超过10%。 从行业人才的数字化程度看,ICT行业 数字化程度超过80%,基础型数字经济发 展水平较高;而制造、零售、金融、公司 等传统优势行业中的数字化程度相对较低, 融合型数字经济发展水平有待提高。 粤港澳湾区人才的教育背景丰富, 超过25%的人才具有国际教育背景, 30%以上具有研究生及以上学历; 专业以工商管理、经济、金融等经管 类专业为主,计算机科学等ICT专业 排名较高;技能以项目管理、领导力 等行业通用技能为主,数字技能的 融合程度不高。 以珠江为界,粤港澳湾区劳动力分 布大体上呈现出东强西弱的状态, 深圳、香港、广州是三大核心城市。 2016- 2017年珠江西岸城市中仅 有珠海的劳动力呈现出上升趋势。 0102 03 04 05 06 07 0809 10 粤港澳湾区制造业劳动力占比最高, 超过40%。与全国水平相比,粤港澳 湾区的优势行业包括制造、批发和零售、 交通仓储和邮政、房地产、租赁和商务 服务、信息传输、软件和信息服务等。 与旧金山湾区和悉尼相比,粤港澳 湾区的人才队伍更加年轻,但并不 “年幼”,兼具发展能力和发展潜力。 粤港澳湾区在劳动力整体、高水平 人才和数字人才三方面均处于净流 入状态。深圳对人才的吸引力最强, 远超其他城市,在湾区内部更是人才 聚集的中心,尤其在数字人才方面更 加明显,突显出深圳在粤港澳湾区的 核心地位。粤港澳湾区的重点人才储备比较丰富, 研究类人才多分布在科技创新企业中, 数字人才多集中在ICT基础型行业, 但高校研究人才和创业类人才相对较少, 人才的国际联通程度比较低。 粤港澳湾区各城市行业发展各具特色, 广州的行业人才分布最为均衡,深圳 ICT行业人才优势突出,香港金融行 业和教育行业人才优势明显,澳门着 重于旅游度假行业,珠海、东莞、 佛山、惠州四个广东城市的人才同质 性较高,主要集中于制造和消费品 行业。 目录 CONTENTS The labor force distribution in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (“Bay Area”) is morestrongly concentrated to the east of the Pearl River, with Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Guangzhou as thethree core cities. Between 2016 and 2017, among the cities to the west of the Pearl River, only Zhuhaishowed an upward trend of labor force growth. In the manufacturing sector, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area has the highestproportion of the national labor force, at more than 40%. In comparison to the rest of the country, theadvantaged sectors in the Bay Area include manufacturing, wholesale and retail, transportation, storageand postage, real estate, leasing and business services, information transmission, software and informationservices. In the Bay Area, high level talents and digital talnts are mostly concentrated in Shenzhen, Guangzhou andHong Kong, among which Shenzhen ranks frst. The average level of digitization of the talents in the BayArea is 26.98%, and in Shenzhen is more than 30%, which is leading other cities. The Bay Area has the highest proportion of high level talents in manufacturing, consumer goods and ICTindustries, all exceeding 10%. In terms of digital talents within industry, the degree of digitization of theICT industry is more than 80%, and the development level of the basic digital economy is relatively higher.Meanwhile, the degree of digitization of traditional dominant industries such as manufacturing, retail,fnancial services is relatively low, and the development level of integrated digital economy needs to beimproved.Talents in the Bay Area are diverse when it comes to educational background -- more than 25% of whichhave studied abroad; over 30% of which have master’s or doctoral degrees.They are majored in economicsand management related felds including business management, economics, fnancial services, etc., amongwhich ICT-relevant specialties such as computer science ranks high. And they possess general-purposeskills such as project management and leadership, with a relatively low level of integration with digital skills. Cities in the Bay Area show distinctive characters in terms of industrial development. Guangzhou featuresthe most balanced talent distribution among industries; Shenzhen has outstanding advantages in ICT- relevant talent; Hong Kong boasts remarkable advantages in financial and educational talent; Macaufocuses on the tourism and vacation industry; the other four cities in Guangdong province possess talentsmostly in manufacturing and consumer goods. The Bay Area is characterized by net infow among the spectrum of overall labor force, high level talentand digital talent. Shenzhen is much more attractive to talent than the other cities in the Bay Area, where itbecomes the center of talent aggregation, especially it highlights the core role that Shenzhen is playing interms of attraction to digital talent. Compared with other Chinese cities as hubs of digital economy, such as Beijing and Wuhan, cities inthe Bay Area are much more attractive to digital talent. The level of attraction is similar to Shanghai andChengdu but it’s far behind Hangzhou in this aspect. The Bay Area has a large number of talents in regionally signifcant areas. Researchers mostly work for techinnovation-oriented frms; people with digital expertise tend to be in basic ICT-relevant areas. But there arerelatively smaller numbers of university-based researchers and entrepreneurs. And local talent shows arather simple pattern of international connections. Compared with San Francisco Bay Area and Sydney, the Bay Area features a group of talent who areyounger but not excessively young, with capabilities and potential of development. Key Findings 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 03 粤港澳大湾区就业现状 12 EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THEGUANGDONG-HONG KONG-MACAUGREATER BAY AREA 3.1 总体劳动力就业情况 13 3.2高水平人才和数字人才就业现状 17 01 引言 1 INTRODUCTION 02 粤港澳大湾区数字经济发展现状 2 DIGITAL ECONOMY DEVELOPMENTIN THE GUANGDONG-HONGKONG-MACAU GREATER BAY AREA 2.1大湾区战略规划和数字经济实践 3 2.2粤港澳大湾区数字经济发展态势 10 05 湾区人才对标 42 BAY AREA TALENT BENCHMARK5.1重点人才储备 43 5.2人才特点 44 5.3人才的国际联通情况 46 06 总结与建议 47 SUMMARY AND SUGGESTIONS 04 粤港澳大湾区的人才流动情况 30 TALENT MIGRATION IN THEGUANGDONG-HONG KONG-MACAUGREATER BAY AREA 4.1 国际流动情况分析 32 4.2 国内流动情况分析 34 4.3 湾区内流动情况分析 37 。。。。。。