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。1 Chairman's Message..... 2 主席致辞 Executive Summary...... 4 概述 2019 Survey Methodology..... 12 2019年调查方法 Section 1: 2018 Performance15 Snapshot 第一部分:2018年绩效速览 Section 2: Business Outlookand Growth Opportunities..... 22 第二部分:商业前景和增长机会 Growth Outlook and Opportunities 24 增长前景和机会 Investment Outlook........ 28投资前景 Section 3: Business ClimateChallenges........ 35 第三部分:商业环境挑战 Business Challenges....... 37商业挑战 Human Resources........... 42人力资源 Regulatory Environment.. 50 监管环境 Innovation and IPR......... 56创新和知识产权 Section 4: Impact of BilateralRelations and Tariffs.. 65第四部分:中美关系和关税的影响 2 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE AmCham China is pleased to release the 21st edition of our annualChina Business ClimateSurvey Report . We are also delighted to have partnered with Deloitte for the executionand analysis of this year’s survey. As one of the key barometers of the sentiment of theAmerican business community in China, this year’s edition is especially pertinent — giventhe turbulence we’ve encountered in the US-China economic relationship over the past year.We hope that the data included in this report will provide both governments with anaccurate and nuanced view of the experiences our member companies are having on theground in China, and thereby help to inform the negotiators regarding the issues of greatestimportance to our members. Yes, there are challenges — many longstanding, and manypast commitments remain unfulfilled. That said, China is still a critically important marketfor many American companies, and the bilateral economic relationship is too important tonot get right. As you will see in the following pages, the recent US-China tensions have led 89% ofour members to adopt a pessimistic view regarding the bilateral trade relationship.Rising geopolitical uncertainties have led close to one quarter of our members to delayinvestments in China. But bright prospects for domestic consumption and a modestlyimproved investment environment have helped China remain a top investment destinationglobally, meaning that it remains as important as ever for the two sides to continue theirefforts to move the relationship onto a more solid footing.2018 marked the 40th year of China’s Reform and Opening, and though our oldest membersenjoy access to a vastly different market than the one they found in 1978 and remainconfident that China’s policy of reform and opening will persist, so do perennial challenges— such as regulatory inconsistency and limited market access in some sectors. As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-US relations, we mustnot forget just how fragile the mutual trust between the two sides can be. To restore thattrust and to build stronger bridges, we urge both sides to agree to and implement concreteactions in the weeks and months ahead that will address many of the concerns highlightedin this Report. Likewise, as AmCham China enters its 100th year, we will continue to strive tofoster a healthy commercial relationship between the US and China. Timothy Stratford Chairman, AmCham China February 20193 主席致辞 中国美国商会(以下简称商会)很高兴发布第21版《中国商务环境调查报告》,也很高兴能 与德勤合作,进行今年的调查和分析。鉴于中美经贸关系在过去一年间遇到的挑战,作为美 国商界在中国运营的重要晴雨表,今年的调查报告尤为切题。 我们希望,这份报告所包含的数据能使两国政府更准确、细致地了解会员企业在中国的运营 情况,从而帮助双方谈判人员了解商会会员的主要关切。诚然,我们面临诸多挑战—一些 长期存在,一些过去做出的承诺则尚未兑现。尽管如此,对很多美国企业来说,中国仍是一 个至关重要的市场,而双边经贸关系又对其发展尤为重要,因此企业迫切希望中美经贸关系 回归正轨。 正如您即将在如下报告中所看到的,近几个月的中美贸易摩擦令89%的商会会员对双边经贸 关系持悲观态度。此外,地缘政治不确定性上升,已促使近四分之一的会员推迟在华投资的 计划。但积极的国内消费市场前景,以及逐步改善的营商环境使中国继续成为全球投资的首 选目的地,这意味着中美双方仍需努力,进一步夯实两国关系,这一点一如既往的重要。 2018年是中国改革开放40周年,尽管我们的早期会员现在所处的市场环境与1978年相比有 很大不同,同时他们仍对中国坚持改革开放政策抱有信心,但一些诸如部分行业市场准入限 制和监管不一致的挑战,依然长期存在。 在我们庆祝中美建交40周年之际,我们不能忘记的是,双方的相互信任可以变得十分脆弱。 为了恢复这种信任,并建立更牢固的关系,我们敦促双方能达成共识,在今后几周和几个月 内采取具体的、可量化的措施,处理此报告中重点强调的许多关切。与此同时,在中国美国 商会成立100周年之际,我们将继续努力,为推动中美经贸关系健康稳定发展贡献力量。 中国美国商会主席 夏尊恩 2019年2月。。。。。。