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1 WORLD COMPETITIVENESS RANKING 2018 All data are available from the World Competitiveness Online. Visit our eShop Statistical tables Factor I: Economic Performance 2 BASIC FACTS Capital Land area (square km '000)9,6002017 Exchange Rate (per $)6.7592017 Population - market size (millions)1,390.0820171 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (US$ billions)12,237.620172 GDP (PPP) per capita (US$)16,660201752 Real GDP growth (%)6.920174 Consumer price inflation (%)1.56201724 Unemployment rate (%)3.90201714 Labor force (millions)805.5620171 Current account balance (% of GDP)1.41201731 Direct investment stocks inward ($bn)1,354.420163 Direct investment flows inward (% of GDP)1.37201744 PEER GROUPS RANKINGS ASIA - PACIFIC (14 countries)POPULATIONS20 MILLION (29 countries) COMPETITIVENESS TRENDS - OVERALL CHINA MAINLAND OVERALL PERFORMANCE(63 countries)Rank Beijing CHALLENGES IN 2018 Stimulate domestic consumption to promote high-quality socio- economic development. China Institute for Development Planning, Tsinghua University COMPETITIVENESS LANDSCAPE 23 22 25 18 13 20142015201620172018 1 28 8 1 57 40 54 32 50 32 27 1 20 16 13 19 1 2 50 45 Do me sti c E co no my Int er na tio na l T rad e Int er na tio na l In ve stm en t Em plo ym en t Pr ice s Pu bli c F ina nc e Ta x P oli cy Ins tit uti on alFr am ew or k Bu sin es s L eg isla tio n So cie talFr am ew or k Pr od uc tiv ity&Ef fic ien cy La bo r M ark et Fin an ce Ma na ge me ntPr ac tic es At tit ud esan d V alu es Ba sicIn fra str uc tur e Te ch no log ica l In fra str uc tur e Sc ien tifi c I nfr ast ru ctu re He alt h a ndEn vir on me nt Ed uc ati on Economic PerformanceGovernment EfficiencyBusiness EfficiencyInfrastructure 8 7 7 5 3 20142015201620172018 9 8 8 5 3 20142015201620172018 Stimulate domestic consumption to promote high-quality socio- economic development. Address challenges posed by increasingly serious populationageing. Facilitate institutional reform to enhance good governance. Regulate local government debt effectively to prevent systemicfinancial risks. Resolve trade disputes to stabilize international economiccooperation. Provided by: China Institute for Development Planning, Tsinghua University 3 IMPROVEMENTS WCY2017 WCY2018DECLINES WCY2017 4.3.19Value added of KTI industries20.934.72.3.08Exchange rate stability0.010 4.4.23Pollution problems2.503.651.2.25Tourism receipts1.04 4.2.18ICT service exports28.940.01.1.09Gross fixed capital formation (%)81.5 4.5.09Student mobility inbound0. fixed capital formation - real growth8.30 4.3.18Number of patents in force71.789.63.3.11Stock market capitalization (%)67.85 4.3.16Patent applications per capita73.5190.941.2.13Exports of commercial services (%)2.59 2.4.16Start-up procedures9. of commercial services ($bn)285.48 1.5.01Consumer price inflation2.001.564.4.17Renewable energies (%)11.2 2.4.15Start-up days28.922.91.2.02Current account balance1.75 4.2.09Internet bandwidth speed6. economy4.17 3.2.10Apprenticeships4.435.312.4.05Foreign investors4.70 2.3.14Bribery and corruption3.063.624.1.08Population - growth0.59 3.3.15Shareholders' rights4.765.641.2.23Trade to GDP ratio21.37 4.4.22Sustainable development5.746.742.5.04Ageing of society3.36 2.3.09Legal and regulatory framework4.605.362.4.04Public sector contracts4.85 COMPETITIVENESS EVOLUTION & ATTRACTIVENESS INDICATORS CHINA MAINLAND COMPETITIVENESS EVOLUTION 0.075 40.06 1.85 207.28 8.4 1.41 3.68 3.09 The criteria below highlight the 15 biggest Improvements and the 15 biggest Declines in the overall performance of the economy. They aredetermined by the largest percentage changes in the value of each criterion from one yearbook to the next. WCY2018 4.48 KEY ATTRACTIVENESS INDICATORS From a list of 15 indicators, respondents of the Executive Opinion Survey were asked to select 5 that they perceived as the keyattractiveness factors of their economy. The chart shows the percentage of responses per indicator from the highest number of responsesto the lowest. 0.40 42.9 4.50 4.20 0.53 19.39 3.5% 16.9% 16.9% 19.0% 20.4% 21.8% 23.2% 23.2% 30.3% 40.1% 45.1% 45.8% 47.2% 49.3% 69.7% 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80% Competitive tax regime Effective legal environment Effective labor relations Quality of corporate governance Business-friendly environment Strong R&D culture Access to financing High educational level Competency of government Reliable infrastructure Skilled workforce Policy stability & predictability Cost competitiveness Open and positive attitudes Dynamism of the economy 。。。。。。