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信之间的竞争关系呈现出愈演愈烈的形式。4G 技术是指“第四代移动通信技
术”,它是 3G 业务的延续,在数据传输方面,4G 就技术具有比 3G 技术更
加快速的能力。在 2013 年 12 月 4 日,中国工信部正式向中国电信行业的三
巨头:中国联通、中国移动和中国电信发放 TD-LTE 4G 通信业务牌照,这标
志着我过电信行业正式进入了 4G 时期

本文以中国联通哈尔滨分公司为研究对象,运用多种理论方法对其 4G
营销策略进行了综合全面的研究,包括:PEST 分析法、SWOT 分析法、波
特竞争模型分析法等。首先,从哈尔滨联通公司 4G 的营销现状和存在的问
题入手进行分析;其次,分析了哈尔滨联通 4G 业务的营销环境,在分析营
销环境时,本文采用了 PEST 分析法、波特竞争模型和 SWOT 分析法三种方
法进行综合分析,包括 4G 业务营销的宏观环境、行业环境、哈尔滨联通公
司内部环境;接下来,本文根据分析的结果对哈尔滨联通 4G 业务的营销策
策略和促销策略四个方面进行分析制定;最后,本文根据哈尔滨联通 4G 业
务的营销现状和营销策略,提出了营销策略实施的保障,包括:4G 覆盖、网

本文通过哈尔滨联通 4G 营销策略进行系统的分析,得到了相应的营销

关键词联通 4G;营销策略;营销环境;SWOT 分析;PEST 分析哈尔滨理工大学工商管理硕士学位论文
Research on 4G Marketing Strategy of Harbin Branch
of China Unicom
With the rapid development of China telecom, it is becoming more and more
important in social life. According to the adjustment of national policy, the
telecommunication industry of our country had changed from the original
monopoly model to the competition model. With this model, the competitive
relationship between China Unicom, China Mobile and China Telecom has
becoming increasingly fierce. 4G technology refers to the fourth generation
mobile communication technology, which is a continuation of the 3G business, in
terms of data transmission, 4G technology has the ability to be faster than the 3G
technology. In December 4, 2013, Chinese ministry officially to the China
Telecom in three industry giants: Chinese Unicom, China Mobile and China
Telecom issued TD-LTE 4G communications business license, which marks the
telecommunication industry has formally entered the 4G era.
In this paper, Harbin branch of China Unicom was researched as the object,
a variety of theories and methods of comprehensive was used on the 4G
marketing strategy, includeing: PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, Potter
competition model analysis etc. This paper is divided into five parts. First of all,
the Harbin Unicom 4G marketing present situation and the existing problems
were analyzed. Secondly, PEST analysis model and Potter competition model and
SWOT analysis model were adopted to analyzed the Harbin Unicom 4G business
marketing environment, including macro environment, industry environment, 4G
business marketing of Harbin Unicom internal environment. Then, based on the
analysis results of Harbin Unicom 4G, the business marketing strategy was
formulated, including target market, market positioning, product strategy, price
strategy, service strategy and promotion strategy. Finally, according to the
marketing strategy of Harbin Unicom 4G business, the marketing strategy of the
implementation of the security package was put forward, including: 4G coverage,
network, financial support, optimize management, expand new channels, improve哈尔滨理工大学工商管理硕士学位论文
performance appraisal six aspects.
Through the analysis of the 4G marketing strategy of Harbin Unicom, the
corresponding marketing strategies and results were obtained, which provided a
reference for the further development of Harbin branch of China Unicom.
KeywordsUnicom 4G, marketing strategy, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis哈尔滨理工大学工商管理硕士学位论文
摘要........... I
Abstract .... II
第 1 章绪论...........1
1.1 研究背景 ....1
1.2 研究目的和意义 ....1
1.3 国内外研究现状 ....2
1.3.1 国外研究现状 .2
1.3.2 国内研究现状 .3
1.3.3 国内外研究现状评述..4
1.4 研究内容与方法 ....5
1.4.1 研究内容 .........5
1.4.2 研究方法 .........5
1.4.3 技术路线 .........6
第 2 章哈尔滨联通 4G 营销现状及存在的问题分析 .....7
2.1 哈尔滨联通 4G 业务简介 ..7
2.2 哈尔滨联通现行 4G 营销策略 ......8
2.2.1 产品策略 .........8
2.2.2 价格策略 .........9
2.2.3 分销渠道策略 ...........10
2.2.4 促销策略 .......12
2.3 哈尔滨联通 4G 营销存在的问题 12
2.3.1 产品组合缺乏 ...........13
2.3.2 缺少价格定位 ...........14
2.3.3 新渠道建设缺乏 .......14
2.3.4 促销渠道不足 ...........15
2.4 本章小结 ..15
第 3 章哈尔滨联通 4G 业务营销环境分析 .......16
3.1 基于 PEST 的宏观环境分析 .......16
3.1.1 政策环境 .......16哈尔滨理工大学工商管理硕士学位论文
3.1.2 经济环境 .......17
3.1.3 社会人文环境 ...........17
3.1.4 技术环境 ..