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等等。CQ 学院是由 CW 大学和 DR 公司通过新模式打造的一所独立学院。随着
战略环境的变化以及同类院校、公办高校的强力竞争,CQ 学院面临着前所未

本文以 CQ 学院为研究对象,结合行业背景、竞争对手和本院实际情况,
身特点给出具有可行性的建议,为 CQ 学院的全面健康与可持续发展贡献自

CQ 学院发展战略的重要意义。CQ 学院战略管理探究第二章是战略管理相关理论的概述。本章首先阐述战略管理的基本概念
后续 CQ 学院相关问题的探究提供理论和技术上的支持

第三章是 CQ 学院发展背景及存在问题介绍。本章首先介绍 CQ 学院的背

第四章是 CQ 学院的战略分析。本章根据学院所面临的机遇和挑战,使
用战略管理中的 PEST 和波特五力模型,对其进行系统分析,然后运用 SWOT
组合分析模型得出 CQ 学院自身优势与劣势,外部面临的机遇与威胁,并为

第五章是 CQ 学院的战略选择。本章依据第四章的分析结果,从学院的
目标和愿景出发,得出 CQ 学院的总体战略和竞争战略,并说明战略选择的
原因,最后从职能层面出发,结合实际情况提出适合 CQ 学院的发展战略

第六章是 CQ 学院的战略实施与控制。本章首先根据战略制定结果给出

本文运用战略管理的相关知识,结合 CQ 学院的实际情况和内外部环境,

关键词:CQ 学院 战略管理 SWOT 分析AbstractAbstract
In the era of knowledge economy, the level of global economy integration
has increasingly deepened, contributing to the fiercer competition between
countries. And technological strength and human capital have become the key
factors for a country to stand out in the competition. As the main means of
cultivating highly competent talents for the construction of socialist
modernization, higher education plays a vital role in providing motive power of
technological development and guaranteeing social well-being and public service.
In the meantime, it is also an important factor in the growth of national economy
and a significant reflection of the overall national strength. Therefore, making
great efforts to develop and popularize higher education plays an integral part in
increase of national economy and comprehensive national strength. With the
increase of people’s income and improvement in people’s living standard, the
higher education resources provided at the national level cannot meet the
increasing demands of the public. And emergence of private colleges and
universities has effectively relieved the pressure of public colleges and
universities and improved the popularizing rate of higher education. However,
with the rapid development of private colleges and universities, various problems
emerge, including teaching staff, teaching, source of students, policy, branding
strategy and social recognition.
CQ Institute is an independent Institute created by CW University and DR
Corporation according to a new model. With the change in strategic environment
and intense competition from other private colleges and universities and the
public colleges and universities, CQ Institute may face an unprecedented
problem of survival and development. Thus the development strategy and
management measures that the Institute will adopt at present and in the future are
important for the Institute to ensure its healthy and sustainable development.
Combining with industry background, CQ Institute’s rivals and actualResearch on Strategic Management of CQ Institutesituation and applying the strategic management theory, the paper gives a
systematic analysis of the Institute’s internal and external and macroscopic and
microscopic environment and studies management of its development strategy.
The author of the paper aims to provide feasible suggestions based on the
Institute’s characteristics through the research and contribute knowledge to
comprehensive, healthy and sustainable development of CQ Institute. This paper
includes six chapters.
The first chapter introduces research background and significance of the
paper and domestic and foreign studies of the subject in the paper. Besides, it
presents overall research method and idea and confirms the significance of CQ
Institute’s development strategy in terms of current development of higher
education and supply-demand relationship.
The second chapter gives an overview of the strategic management theory.
This chapter first explains basic concept of strategic management and
classification of strategies and then makes detail analysis and description of
strategic management process and method, proving a theoretical and technical
support for follow-up research on relevant issues of CQ Institute.
The third chapter introduces the development background and problems of
CQ Institute. This chapter first introduces background and basic situation of CQ
Institute and then presents main problems about the Institute’s development
according to the competition situation.
The fourth chapter analyzes the strategy of CQ Institute. This chapter uses
PEST and Michael Porter&39;s Five Forces Model to systematically analyze CQ
Institute based on the opportunities and challenges that it faces. Then, this
chapter uses SWOT analysis model to obtain the strengths and weaknesses of CQ
Institute as well as the opportunities and threats that the Institute faces, laying a
foundation for its future strategy.
The fifth chapter expounds on CQ Institute’s choice of strategy. Based on
the analysis results of the fourth chapter, this chapter obtains CQ Institute’s
overall strategy and competitive strategy and explains the reasons for the choice
of strategy from the perspective of the Institute’s goals and vision. Finally, this
chapter presents the development strategy suitable for CQ Institute based on its
actual situation from the functional level.AbstractThe sixth chapter expounds on CQ Institute’s strategy implementation and
control. This chapter first presents the governance structure and resources
allocation methods suitable for CQ Institute as well as specific process
improvement methods according to the result of strategy formulation. And then
this chapter introduces details of the Institute’s strategy control and presents
suggestions for strategy control.
This paper studies the development strategy of the Institute and presents
corresponding suggestions by applying relevant knowledge about strategic
management and combining with CQ Institute’s actual situation as well as
internal and external environment. And the author of this paper aims to make
modest contributions to healthy and sustainable development of the Institute and
provide a reference for transformation and development of other private colleges
and universities.
As the author’s knowledge is limited, there will be inevitable mistakes and
omissions in this paper. Thus the author sincerely hopes that teachers and
scholars could offer some advice and guidance. And the author would like to
express the heartfelt thanks to all of you.
Key words: CQ Institute;Strategic Management;SWOT Analysis目 录目 录
1 绪论.......... 1
1.1 本文研究背景 .......... 1
1.2 本文研究意义 .......... 2
1.3 研究文献综述