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业人才价值最大化。有鉴于此,笔者期望通过对 A 证券公司的案例分析,促


其次,这篇文章以 A 证券公司为例,进行人力资源战略管理的研究:概
述了 A 证券公司的基本情况,运用 PEST 研究方法从政治、经济、文化与技
术四方面分析了 A 公司的外部环境,此外,还从公司使命、公司组织结构、
公司经营状况以及人力资源管理状况四方面分析了 A 公司的内部资源能力
状况;在此基础上,通过 SWOT 分析,进一步提炼出了 A 证券公司人力资

再次,这篇文章分别对 A 公司实施发展型战略(SO)、多种经营型战略
1A 证券公司人力资源战略规划研究
规划,随后,根据 A 公司现状选择出了与其相适应的人力资源战略:从长远
来看,A 证券公司应动态的选择 SWOT 策略组合,从当前现状来看,A 证券
公司应选择 ST 战略作为当前的人力资源战略。在此基础上,这篇文章详细制
定了 A 证券公司选择 ST 战略的具体目标,并从公司领导层配合四大策略、
人才引进体系、人才培育方式与绩效考核和薪酬激励机制四个层面描述了 A

了 A 证券公司 ST 战略实施的保障措施。文章提出了要从招募政策、育人政
化建设增强企业凝聚力,以更好的促进 A 证券公司人力资源管理战略规划与
实际环境匹配并提升 A 证券公司的竞争力

If enterprises want to enhance their core competitiveness, they must attach
importance to human resource management which helps to manage enterprises’
talent incentive, therefore, enterprises are increasingly aware of the strategic
management of human resources in the important influence to enhance the core
competitiveness of enterprises and to maintain the competitive advantage of
enterprises. Only the development of human resources strategic management of
enterprises, is conducive to the effective promotion of human resources and
corporate strategy, which in turn gives full play to the role of human resources
management at the strategic level to realize the enterprise value maximization of
talent. In view of this, the thesis hopes to promote the effective combination of
strategic human resource management and enterprise strategy, maximize the role
of talents, and enhance the core competitiveness of the company to achieve the
everlasting through the analysis of A securities company&39;s case.
Firstly, this article summarizes the theories of strategic human resource
management, the definition of human resource management, strategic management
and strategic human resource management connotation, describes the
characteristics, strategic human resource management and the implementation of
the core idea and the general trend of the strategic management of human
resources, laying a theoretical foundation for the full text.
Secondly, this paper uses A securities company as an example to study the
strategic management of human resources: it puts an overview of the basic
situation of A securities company and analyzes the company&39;s external
environment and internal resources ability. What’s more, through the SWOT
analysis, it further refines the strengths (pay attention to attract professionals,
human management system and competitive salary), weaknesses (talent
management model aging, do not pay attention to the introduction of senior talent
and do not pay attention to the professional staff), opportunities (the quality of job
1Research on human resource strategy planning of A securities company
seekers in the external market, the transformation of the securities industry and the
supply of external market professionals) and threats (the securities industry is more
competitive, but the lack of talent echelon construction, the lack of high-level
human resources, coupled with the threat of new competitors to enter) of A
securities company and provides the basis for human resources strategy.
Thirdly, this dissertation respectively implements the development strategy
(SO), the variety of business strategy (ST), the reverse strategy (WO) and the
defense strategy (WT) of A company with specific content of strategic planning.
Then, according to the current situation of A company, the paper selects human
resources strategic as follows: in the long run, it selects the dynamic portfolio
selection strategy of SWOT A securities company; from the current situation, A
securities company should choose ST strategy as the current human resource
strategy. On this basis, this article establishes the way that A securities company
implements the ST strategy from 4 aspects, including the leadership of the
company with the four strategies, the introduction of talent, talent cultivation mode
and the system of performance evaluation and incentive mechanism.
Finally, this article puts forward the safeguard measures of the
implementation of ST strategy for A securities company from three aspects: the
human security, security and financial guarantee company policy. The paper puts
forward the strategic guarantee of human resource management from four aspects:
recruitment policy, education policy, employment policy and the policy of leaving
people. By increasing the human resources, this thesis aims to optimize the
structure of human resources and human resources training, improve the quality of
staff, strengthen the building of enterprise culture and enhance the cohesion of
enterprises, and then the thesis helps to promote A securities company human
resource management strategy and actual environment, and enhances the
competitiveness of A securities company.
Keywords: Human resource strategy planning;Human resource management;
Strategic management;Securities industry
2目 录
目 录
1 绪论.......... 1
1.1 研究背景 ....... 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 ....... 2
1.2.1 研究目的 2
1.2.2 研究意义 2
1.3 研究方法和框架 ....... 3
1.3.1 研究方法 3
1.3.2 研究框架 4
1.4 研究内容、创新和不足 ....... 5
1.4.1 研究内容. 5
1.4.2 研究创新点........ 5
1.4.3 不足........ 6
2 人力资源战略管理理论综述...... 7
2.1 相关概念的内涵........ 7
2.2 人力资源战略管理的特点和实施.... 9
2.2.1 人力资源战略管理的特点......... 9
2.2.2 人力资源战略管