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东风雪铁龙2003年7—12月公关宣传计划提纲Dongfeng Citroen PR PlanFrom Jul to Dec in 2003
北京星原文化艺术广告有限公司 By xingyuan Advertising Company
2003年上半年工作回顾Review From Jan to Jun in 20032003年上半年 Jan to Jun 2003
产品投放 Product Launch: 富康新浪潮舒适版上市 Launch FK 爱丽舍VTS上市 Launch ELYSEE VTS 爱丽舍SX16V上市 Launch ELYSEE SX16V 赛纳XSARA上市 Launch XSARA 产品后续宣传 Post Launch Communication 各新上市车型的后期推广 Maintain media exposure of new models after launch2003年上半年 Jan to Jun 2003
事件公关PR Events 富康夺取全国汽车锦标赛上海站冠军 FK as a champion in Shanghai Motor Race 爱丽舍在亚运村市场销量夺冠 ELYSEE has a good sales volume in Yayuncun market2003年上半年 Jan to Jun 2003
其他 Others: 东风雪铁龙武汉商务大会召开 Dongfeng.Citroen business convention was held in Wuhan 龙讯创刊 Launch the dealers publication “Dragon Communication”工作小结 Work Summarization
爱丽舍16V推出,强化了爱丽舍系列产品,竞争优势得到增强 Launch of Elysee 16V has strengthened the Elysee line up and increased competitiveness工作小结 Work Summarization
赛纳XSARA的推出,使东风雪铁龙在16万元以上的中高档轿车市场竞争能力得以加强; Launch of XSARA has strengthened the competitiveness in the mid-tier sedan segment at the price of RMB160,000; 对外公关宣传网络初步建立,并具备进一步扩充的基础; Established the foundation of PR network, and prepared for future expansion工作小结 Work Summarization
上半年侧重产品投放,以至整体品牌建立的比重较少。 Major focus on product launches leading to less emphasis on brand level communication 2003年下半年工作方向What We Will Do From Jul To Dec In 2003我们面临的市场环境 Mkt Condition
下半年市场竞争环境更加激烈,消费者面对越来越多的选择,单一的产品利益点已不足以促使购买行为; The competition will get more fierce, thus need more distintive benefits for consumers to rationalize their purchase 竞争对手在背景上的全面提升。目前丰田、福特、大宇等世界汽车巨头已经介入中档轿车市场,今后的竞争层面将由产品提升至品牌 With the worldwide motor giants like Toyota, Ford, Hyundai, etc. becoming more aggressive, a stronger BRAND will become more important to maintain competitiveness13
我们面临的市场环境 Mkt Condition
在2003年下半年将正式上市的新车型: New vehicle models to be launched in 2nd half of 2003: 赛纳XSARA竞争对手 XSARA’s Competitor: 一汽-大众高尔夫: 7月上市,1.6L售14.98万,2.0L售18.5万 VW-GOLF: To be launched in July, Price range RMB 149,800 - RMB 185,000; 帕萨特2.0: 预计售价20万元左右 PASSAT2.0 ~RMB 200,000; 别克凯越 预计售价16 - 19万元 BUICK Excel Price range RMB160,000 - RMB190,000