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宜家 家居报告
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What makes a home
About the report
The feeling of home
The multi-connected resident
Home in fux
Augmented relationships
Home as a haven
Home life in a multi-connected world
Senses: the home’s fourth dimension
Touch: the body language of objects
Sight: light in the dark
Sound: fghting noise with noise
Smell: the shortcut to our memories
Taste: the forgotten sense of home
Unlocking the fourth dimension of home
The extended home
Home away from home
Neighbourhood revival
The permanent temporary
All over the place
From objects to subjects
Getting emotional about things
Objects as enablers
The hominess of hacking
The things about home
Home: a never-ending journey
THEY SAY THAT home is where the heart is. But
what actually makes a home a home And what
makes us feel at home somewhere We have
looked at these questions from four dimensions:
Space, Things, Relationships and Place, and come
to the conclusion that it’s time to redefne our
idea of home.
The world is changing and so are our lives at
home. More and more people move to cities and
live in smaller spaces with fewer rooms. New
household structures have an impact too.
Our lives have become more diverse. More of us
live alone, lodge or live together with roommates
and many children live in single-parent homes. We
also travel abroad more than ever. And we are al-
ways online – ready to share our meal, our pur-
chase or our latest discovery with the rest of the
world through social media.
Still, for many, the longest journey is the one to
the local market. The living room is still dedicated
for special occasions only, and the phone is just
a tool to make a phone call. Many of us choose
to seek happiness in big cities. Others are forced
to leave their homes for an unknown life in a new
country. Regardless of the reasons, it’s clear that
we have to get used to new ways of living, rethink
our approach to the home.
Understanding our lives at home is helping us
realise the IKEA vision: “To create a better every-
day life for the many people”. That is why we are
always curious about what makes a home. In a
world that is changing faster than ever, it becomes
increasingly important to understand the chal-
lenges we face and the needs we want our homes
to fulfl.
We believe it’s time to take our curiosity one
step further: we want to know how people defne
what makes a home. What are their emotional and
personal relations to home How are these chang-
ing And how are the homes we live in changing
We believe exploring this area on a deeper level
and across the world will give us valuable insights
that will help us redefne IKEA’s idea of the home.
We are starting our journey to fnd out more
about people’s real needs, aspirations and dreams
when it comes to the home today. Our aim is to
make this a part of our long-term business de-
velopment. Hopefully, our exploration will make
us even better at making people’s homes more
As a foundation for our studies, we had a look at
existing research to fnd a way to describe the key
aspects of what makes us feel at home. We found
that a home can be looked at from four basic per-
spectives: Relations, Things, Space and Place. We
then started our exploration of what really makes
a home today based on these four dimensions.
In this report, we share our frst fndings from
our studies; we hope you are as excited as we are!
AT IKEA WE have years of experience, knowl-
edge and insights about people’s lives at home
from listening to the needs and dreams of our
customers. With the IKEA Life at Home report we
want to share our knowledge, raise awareness and
interest, spark debate and contribute toward cre-
ating a better everyday life.
This is the third consecutive year we launch this
report, where we explore the life at home of people
all over the world. In the previous reports, we have
taken a closer look at morning routines and at how
people meet and eat in and around the kitchen.
This time, we are digging deeper into what actu-
ally makes a home for people. What ingredients
form a home And in this fast-changing world we
are living in, how is that “home” being redefned
or reinvented This year we want to deepen our
understanding of how people really think and feel
about their homes.
Our study is based on research done by ourselves
and others. We have conducted a new quantitative
survey in twelve different cities of the world. The
survey was conducted in cooperation with Swedish
business intelligence agency United Minds, using
online panels in Berlin, London, Moscow, Mumbai,
New York, Paris, Shanghai, Stockholm, Sydney,
Toronto, Zürich and Madrid. More than 1,000 re-
spondents in each city add up to a total of 12,000
respondents among people from 18 to 80 years of
age. We also dug into our own archives of recent
studies, looking for cues that could help us fnd
out what makes a home to people. In addition, we
have looked at a large number of external studies
in various felds, for example sociology, psychol-
ogy, liberal arts, neuroscience and design. Not to
mention talked to academic experts. All as part of
our quest to learn even more about life at home.
But perhaps most importantly, we have talked to
real people. The pictures in the report are from
some of our home visits, depicting authentic
homes from all over the world.
At IKEA we always challenge ourselves to be
more relevant and offer better solutions to peo-
ple’s real needs at home. The extensive research
that makes up the foundation for this report is part
of our continuous process to always improve, in
order to make life at home better for many.
This year’s IKEA Life at Home Report is divided
into two parts. In the frst part, we share insights
based on our new survey and existing IKEA re-
search, as well as other well-known and published
study fndings from experts and opinion leaders
from a variety of backgrounds. In the second part,
we dive deeper into an interesting fnding from our
survey to understand it in more detail. To get a
better understanding of the public-private rela-
tionships of the home, we have visited and pho-
tographed households in four cities: Stockholm,
Mumbai, New York and Shanghai. This is what we
call the narrative of our report: emotional stories
that can help us really understand people’s feel-
ings, thoughts and behaviours.