首页 > 资料专栏 > 论文 > 组织论文 > 组织管理论文 > MBA硕士论文_贵州省丰田汽车4S店服务营销优化研究DOC



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Summary. V
前 言..1
1 绪论. 2
1.1 研究背景和研究意义 ........ 2
1.2 研究方法和研究内容 ....... 3
1.2.1 研究方法及研究思路 ... 3
1.2.2 研究内容 . 4
1.2.3 研究路线 . 4
1.3 本章小结 ..... 5
2 服务营销概念及相关理论........ 6
2.1 服务营销相关概念 ......... 6
2.1.1 服务的含义 ........... 6
2.1.2 服务营销相关概念 ..... 6
2.1.3 服务营销的特点 ....... 7
2.2 服务营销相关理论 ......... 8
2.2.1 服务营销 7P 新组合 .... 8
2.2.2 客户关系管理 ......... 8
2.2.3 排队心理学 ........... 9
2.2.4 服务质量差距模型 .... 10
2.2.5 服务感知10
2.2.6 客户金字塔模型 ...... 11
2.3 本章小结 ..... 12
3 贵州省内丰田汽车 4S 店的现状概述......... 13
3.1 贵州省内丰田汽车 4S 店的基本情况及行业特点 ....... 13
3.1.1 贵州省内丰田汽车 4S 店基本情况 .. 13
3.1.2 行业特点 ........... 14贵州省丰田汽车 4S 店服务营销优化研究
3.2 贵州省内丰田汽车 4S 店营销管理现状 .... 19
3.2.1 组织架构设置 ........ 19
3.2.2 员工激励20
3.2.3 员工培训21
3.2.4 市场细分21
3.3 贵州省内丰田汽车 4S 店服务管理现状 ... 23
3.4 本章小结 .... 26
4 贵州省内丰田汽车 4S 店的服务营销效果分析. 27
4.1 贵州省内丰田汽车 4S 店服务供应分析 .... 32
4.1.1 销售人员综合素质不高32
4.1.2 促销手段单一 ........ 32
4.1.3 部分客户对维修作业持怀疑态度 .... 33
4.1.4 零备件及工时费价格过高 .......... 33
4.1.5 维护保养等待时间较长33
4.2 贵州省内丰田汽车 4S 店服务设施设计分析 ........... 34
4.2.1 店内装修陈旧且缺乏创新 .......... 34
4.2.2 店内无专门设置投诉室及吸烟室 .... 34
4.2.3 店内无专门的客户食堂34
4.3 贵州省内丰田汽车 4S 店服务质量分析 ... 35
4.3.1 顾客关系管理不规范 .. 35
4.3.2 体验式营销不到位 .... 36
4.3.3 售后服务缺乏人性化 .. 36
4.3.4 缺乏客观评价的回访电话 .......... 36
4.4 本章小结 .... 36
5 贵州省内丰田汽车 4S 店服务营销效果的影响因素......... 37
5.1 内部自身因素37
5.1.1 4S 的经营理念没有完全体现........ 37
5.1.2 营销人员缺乏系统性培训 .......... 37
5.1.3 汽车营销及盈利模式单一 .......... 37贵州大学工商管理硕士学位论文
5.1.4 信息反馈失真 ........ 38
5.2 外部环境因素38
5.2.1 我国汽车市场消费模式缺失,市场不成熟 ........ 38
5.2.2 自主品牌及传统竞争对手发展势头迅猛 .......... 38
5.2.3 中日两国关系影响 .... 39
5.3 本章小结 .... 39
6 研究结论与服务营销优化建议.. 40
6.1 贵州省内丰田汽车 4S 店服务营销的研究结论 ......... 40
6.2 贵州省内丰田汽车 4S 店的服务营销的优化建议 ....... 41
6.2.1 企业建设41
6.2.2 团队建设44
6.2.3 营销平台建设 ........ 45
6.2.4 特色服务建设 ........ 47
6.3 本章小结 .... 48
7 结论 49
致 谢.51
原 创 性 声 明.....54贵州省丰田汽车 4S 店服务营销优化研究
而来的是各品牌汽车 4S 店的大量出现,经过数十年的发展,国内的汽车 4S 店已
经形成规模,并呈现出很多与发达国家 4S 店所不同的特点;总的来说,国内的
4S 店与发达国家 4S 店还是存在较大差距,由于两者的经济发展水平不同,社会
制度不同,人口素质方面也存在差距,因此国内的 4S 店与发达国家 4S 店在经营

车市场也迎来了发展的黄金时期;所以贵州省的汽车 4S 店应牢牢把握难得的发
加强自己的市场地位;本文将贵州省的丰田汽车 4S 店服务管理体系作为具体研
调研,咨询 4S 店员工以及利用互联网平台等方式进行研究目标的数据搜集,采
用理论体系与实地调研相结合的方法对贵州省的丰田汽车 4S 店的现有服务体系
贵州省丰田汽车 4S 店服务营销的因素;在论文最后的核心部分,依据前文所归
纳总结出的各类问题以及影响因素,提出一套专门针对贵州省丰田汽车 4S 店服

关键词:贵州,丰田,4S 店,服务营销,优化
Along with China&39;s growing economic strength, and constantly improve the level
of people&39;s life and the traditional foreign brands more and more attention to the
China automobile market, Chinese automobile industry ushered in the golden age of
rapid development; followed by the emergence of a large number of various brands of
automobile 4S stores, after decades of development, the domestic automobile 4S shop
has formed scale. It is showed that many developed countries and 4S stores are
different; in general, there is still a big gap between the domestic 4S shop 4S shop
with the developed countries, because of their different levels of economic
development, social systems are different, there are also gaps in population quality, so
the domestic 4S shop and 4S shop compared to the developed country in the business
philosophy and service concept, is still in the primary stage, many aspects still need to
be improved.
The total economy in Guizhou province has been in a backward position, in the
country started late, poor foundation; with the country in recent years, the western
region to support efforts to increase the economic development of Guizhou Province,
significantly enhance the speed, Guizhou province automobile market will usher in a
golden period of development; so the Guizhou province automobile 4S shop should
firmly grasp the opportunities for development rare, will all take the customer as the
center as the starting point, to meet consumer demand as the fundamental purpose, to
consolidate its market position; the TOYOTA automobile 4S shop service
management system in Guizhou Province as the research object, at present has been
built to complete the marketing and service marketing theory basis, through
on-the-spot investigation 4S consulting, store employees and the use of the Internet
platform on the target data collection, using the system theory and field research
Analyze the existing service system of Guizhou Province, the TOYOTA automobile
4S shop combination method; list found problems in the investigation, and analyze the
influencing factors of Guizhou province TOYOTA automobile 4S shop service
marketing from the subjective and objective two aspects; in the core part of the last,贵州省丰田汽车 4S 店服务营销优化研究
according to the various problems and influencing factors summarized in the
foregoing, a set of recommendations for the TOYOTA 4S service marketing system in
Guizhou province is put forward.
Key words: Gu