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商业魅力 城市排行
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About the Rising LAb 关于 新一线城市 研究所 The Rising Lab is a business- data-focused journalism program under Yicai Media Group. It observes current situation of Chinese cities, explores the future of them, and provides quality data analyse and services for city dwellers, administrators and investors. “The Rising” here refers to cities which have the potential to become emerging new first-tier cities in the future. In a broader sense, it also refers to cities now ranking as second-tier to fifth- tier cities in general. It is a phrase coined by CBNweekly in the end of 2013 to name 15 cities which topped the list of 400 Chinese cities on their attractiveness to big companies. 新一线城市研究所,是第一财经 旗下城市数据新闻项目,致力于集 结城市商业数据和互联网数据,用 新鲜视角探究城市未来,为城市管 理者、城市开拓者、城市人提供丰 富有趣、有价值的数据内容和数据 服务 “新一线”是指那些最有可能在未 来成为“一线城市”的城市;也泛 指正在发展中的中国二三四五线 城市。“新一线”城市概念由《第 一财经周刊》在2013年依据商业 魅力为中国城市重新分级时首次 提出 b e Y O n D D A t A C i t i e s On May 25, 2017, The Rising Lab released China’s Cites 2017: Cities of Business Attractiveness, which grades all 338 prefecture- level cities in China based on data of 160 commercial brands and data from 17 Internet firms and institutions. 2017年5月25日,新一线城市研究 所发布《2017中国城市商业魅力 排行榜》,用160个品牌、17家互 联网公司和数据机构的城市大数 据,为338个中国城市重新分级 在这些城市中,评出15个“新一线” 城市、30个二线城市、70个三线 城市、90个四线城市和129个五 线城市。其中,15个进入“新一线” 的城市依次是:成都、杭州、武汉、 重庆、南京、天津、苏州、西安、长 沙、沈阳、青岛、郑州、大连、东莞 和宁波 新一线城市研究所将商业数据和 互联网数据作为评判城市的重要 维度,同时高度关注城市中的年 轻人。目前新一线城市研究所拥 有基于地理信息和互联网用户数 据的新一线城市基础数据库、新 一线城市商业数据库、新一线城 市用户数据库和新一线城市趋势 数据库,并为政府、企业、机构提 供定制的城市相关数据报告和数 据服务 Among all the cities, 30 of them are classified as second-tier cities, 70 as third-tier cities, 90 as fourth-tier cities and 129 as fifth- tier cites. According to overall indicator scores, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Chongqing, Nanjing, Tianjin, Suzhou, Xi’an, Changsha, Shenyang, Qingdao, Zhengzhou, Dalian, Dongguan and Ningbo are most likely to join the ranks of China’s first-tier cities. Using business and Internet data as main sources for ranking, The Rising Lab also values young people in cities as one significant element in assessment. For now, based on geographical, commercial and Internet data, The Rising Lab has built 4 databases on cities' essential information, cities' commercial resources, cities' online user behavior and cities' developing tendency. The Rising Lab provides data services tailored for government, enterprises, institutions, etc. 。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看