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在工业和信息化部对中国移动、中国联通以及中国电信正式发放 4G 牌照后,通
信行业正式迈入了 4G 时代。重庆移动 A 公司在 3G 时代,由于技术、终端设备等方
面的落后,使得重庆移动 A 公司在区域范围内处于一种相对不利的位置。但随着中
国移动逐渐适应 4G 时代带来的改变,加快了进入 4G 时代的节奏,这也使得重庆移

作用,使各类渠道尽快进入一体化的发展,这些都成为了重庆移动 A 公司在区域内
拓展 4G 业务的重要环节。因此本论文选题运用市场营销理论,通过分析重庆移动 A
公司渠道营销策略,来确保重庆移动 A 公司在区域市场中稳固的竞争优势

本文首先对研究的背景、目的与意义进行了阐述,结合国内外 4G 技术的发展,
介绍了通信行业将不遗余力发展 4G 的大趋势,并确定了本文所采用的研究方法。然
渠道在 4G 时代下的重要作用。并对重庆移动 A 公司所面临的市场营销环境进行了详
细的分析,通过采用 SWOT 分析法,分析出重庆移动 A 公司当前所面临的外部机遇
和威胁,更进一步的强调重庆移动 A 公司营销渠道在当前市场环境下有效的布局和
管理的重要性,所以重庆移动 A 公司的营销渠道策略必须进一步的得到改善。所以
在这样一个特殊的市场环境下,本文提出了重庆移动 A 公司营销渠道的整体策略,
以保证市场能够持续并稳定的发展。并且,将重庆移动 A 公司的市场区域市场进行

关键词:4G,重庆移动 A 公司,渠道,营销策略III
With the 4G licenses issued by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of
China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom officially, the communications industry
has embraced the 4G era. Being operated under 3G, the Chongqing Mobile Corporation A
has become less competitive due to the backwardness of technology, terminal equipment
and other aspects. China Mobile’s accelerating speed of developing 4G era not only brings
Chongqing Mobile Corporation A the opportunities to develop 4G business, but also some
To develop its 4G business plan, it has become crucial for Chongqing Mobile
Corporation A to improve the level of marketing services, focus on the synergies between
the various channels as well as promote the integration. This paper analyses the channel
marketing strategy of Chongqing Mobile Company A based on marketing theory to ensure
its stable competitive advantage in the regional market.
In this paper, to start with, the background, purpose and significance of the study are
expounded, along with the introduction of the trend that communications industry will
spare no effort to develop 4G with the analysis and comparison of domestic and foreign 4G
technology. Next the research methods adopted are determined and the theory elaboration
is listed from the aspects of marketing channel concept, marketing channel strategy as well
as the marketing channel control carried on the theory elaboration, which has highlighted
the significance of marketing channel under the 4G era. Then a detailed analysis of the
marketing environment of Chongqing Mobile Corporation A is faced with is done using
SWOT analysis, where the external opportunities and threats that Chongqing Mobile A
company is currently faced with are analyzed, and the importance of effective distribution
and management is stressed, arriving at a conclusion that Chongqing Mobile A company&39;s
marketing channel strategy must be further optimized.
Under this market circumstance, the overall strategy marketing channel of Chongqing
Mobile Company A is brought forward, ensuring the sustainable and stable development of
the market through channel transformation, service transformation, and upgrading
management. Finally, a detailed marketing channel combination strategy for Chongqing
Mobile Corporation&39;s regional market is put forward.
Key words: 4G, Chongqing Mobile Corporation A, channel marketing strategyV
目 录
目 录....V
1 绪 论. 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 .... 1
1.1.1 理论意义 ........... 1
1.1.2 实践意义 ........... 1
1.2 国内外发展现状 .... 2
1.2.1 4G 移动通信技术 .......... 2
1.2.2 4G 移动通信技术国内外发展现状....... 2
1.2.3 4G 业务总体发展状况 .. 3
1.2.4 电信运营商营销渠道策略的现状 ........ 4
1.3 论文内容以及主要研究方法 ........ 5
1.3.1 论文内容 ........... 5
1.3.2 论文研究方法 ... 6
1.3.3 本论文拟解决的关键问题 ........ 7
1.4 本章小结 .... 7
2 相关基本理论........... 9
2.1 营销渠道概述 ........ 9
2.1.1 营销渠道的概念 ........... 9
2.1.2 营销渠道理论在通信领域的体现 ........ 9
2.2 营销渠道策略 ...... 10
2.2.1 营销渠道部署关键 ..... 10
2.2.2 营销渠道类型 . 10
2.2.3 营销渠道结构设计 ..... 11
2.3 营销渠道控制 ...... 11
2.3.1 营销渠道相互作用