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ERP 系统是信息技术革命的产物,现在已经扩展到了流通业、服务业、建筑、
制造等各个行业。在房地产领域,也有越来越多的企业开始实施 ERP 项目,并取得
了非常好的效果和业绩,但是也有一些失败的案例。当前 ERP 系统在房地产行业的
应用还算是个新鲜事物,而房地产企业在应用 ERP 的时候与其他企业有一些不同之
企业在应用 ERP 系统时所面临的问题和存在的困难,进行具体分析

本文以 FD 房地产公司的时间里为研究对象,分析房地产企业 ERP 项目实施的效
果和不足之处,给出了房地产企业 ERP 的系统分析、总体框架构建和系统实施的一
出适应于房地产企业的 ERP 系统。全文共分六部分:第一部分是绪论,主要包括研
ERP 与房地产 ERP、房地产 ERP 的管理思想,项目诊断,以及国内外研究的现状;第
三部分是对 FD 地房地产开发有限公司 ERP 项目实施背景的分析;第四部分是 FD 房
地产开发有限公司 ERP 项目实施现状的分析,主要分析了项目实施计划、ERP 系统
选取、项目实施过程、项目实施所取得的成就和所存在的问题;第五部分是 FD 房地
产开发有限公司 ERP 项目实施诊断,通过设计问卷调查和实施调查问卷过程,以及
对问卷调查数据的统计分析,来对 FD 房地产公司 ERP 项目进行失败原因的诊断;第
六部分是针对 FD 房地产开发有限公司 ERP 项目实施提出具体的解决策略,主要从目

关键词:房地产 ERP;项目实施;项目诊断I
ERP system is a product of the information technology revolution, has now been
extended to the circulation industry, service industry, construction, manufacturing and
other industries. In the field of real estate, there are more and more enterprises begin to
implement ERP project, and have achieved very good results and performance, but there
are some cases of failure. The application of ERP system in the real estate industry is still
a new thing, and the real estate enterprises in the application of ERP and other enterprises
have some differences, this article sets out the particularity of real estate enterprises based
on products, through a specific case of real estate enterprises in the application of ERP
system is facing the problems and difficulties, make a concrete analysis.
This paper takes FD Real Estate Company&39;s time as the research object, analysis of
the real estate enterprise ERP project implementation effect and deficiencies in, gives
system analysis, real estate enterprise ERP framework method and system
implementation, in these two aspects of the theory and practice of research will help real
estate enterprises and software providers to develop a ERP system adapted to the real
estate enterprise. The full text is divided into six parts: the first part is the introduction,
including research background, research significance, research contents and research
methods; the second part is the theoretical basis, mainly is ERP and ERP, ERP real estate
real estate project management thought, diagnosis, and current status of research; the
third part is the analysis of the background of ERP project of FD real estate development
company limited; the fourth part is the analysis of the status of implementation of ERP
project of FD Real Estate Development Company Limited, the main analysis of the
project implementation plan, ERP system selection, project implementation, project
implementation of the achievements and existing problems; the fifth part is the
implementation of ERP diagnosis the project of FD Real Estate Development Company
Limited, through the design of questionnaire and questionnaire, and statistics of the
questionnaire survey data analysis of FD Real Estate Company The diagnosis of ERP
project failure; the sixth part is for the ERP project of FD real estate development
company put forward specific solutions, mainly from the target setting, project team
building, project management, improve project implementation process control and other
stakeholders and puts forward corresponding measures.
KEY WORDS: Real estate ERP; project implementation; project diagnosis1
目 录
第一章 绪论··1
第一节 研究背景及研究意义·1
一、研究背景 ··1
二、研究意义 ··2
第二节 研究内容与方法2
一、研究思路 ··2
二、研究方法 ··2
第二章 研究理论基础·4
第一节 ERP 理论··4
一、ERP 与房地产 ERP·4
二、房地产 ERP 的管理思想··4
三、房地产企业 ERP 的发展··5
第二节 项目诊断 ··6
第三节 国内外研究现状7
第三章 FD 房地产开发有限公司 ERP 项目实施背景分析··9
第一节 企业介绍 ··9
第二节 企业实施 ERP 的背景 10
第三节 企业实施 ERP 的目标 11
第四章 FD 房地产开发有限公司 ERP 项目实施现状分析122
第一节 项目实施计划·12
第二节 ERP 系统选取·13
第三节 项目实施过程·14
第四节 所取得的成就·16
第五节 存在的问题··16
第五章 FD 房地产开发有限公司 ERP 项目实施诊断·