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研究生签名: 时间: 年 月 日
导师签名: 时间: 年 月 日I
综合实力,进行信息化管理建设已经成为企业提高企业竞争力的一个重要方法。实施 ERP 是企业信
息化管理的一个重要手段,ERP 是整合了一整套企业管理思想、组织流程、基础数据、人力、财力、

ERP 在我国制造业中的实施和使用效果不尽人意,在我国不锈钢管行业中的实施和使用效果
更是不容乐观,不锈钢管企业在实施和使用 ERP 系统过程中遇到的问题会远远多于其他行业。因为

本论文共分五章,第一章、绪论,主要内容有研究背景、意义、国内外 ERP 动态等内容;第
二章、ERP 与项目管理相关理论,主要描述了 ERP 基本理论、项目管理理论及 ERP 项目管理;第三
章、上上德盛 ERP 实施分析,主要分析了上上德盛信息化发展历程及本次 ERP 的实施过程;第四章、
上上德盛 ERP 实施问题与解决方案,重点分析了本次 ERP 实施和运行中的管理问题,并对这些问题
提出了相应的解决方案,同时在本章提炼了部分成功实施 ERP 的策略方法;第五章、结束语,对本

本论文主要通过对上上德盛集团 ERP 实施过程的案例研究,结合 ERP 思想,实施方法理论以
应的解决方案。总结分析不锈钢管企业如何成功实施 ERP,分析它的一般步骤及方法、问题的处理

此外,通过对上上德盛集团 ERP 实施案例研究,为提高不锈钢管行业 ERP 实施的成功率,总结企业
成功实施 ERP 的相关策略,以供同行借鉴

关键词:ERP;ERP 实施;信息化II
In order to adapt to the current global economic integration of the fierce competition, enterprises of
advanced management techniques and ideas, should have a comprehensive, sober understanding. How to
improve the competitiveness of the products in the trend of global economic integration, improve the
market occupancy rate and enhance the comprehensive strength, the information management has become
an important way to improve the competitiveness of enterprises. ERP is the implementation of ERP is an
important means of enterprise information management, ERP is the integration of a set of business
management ideas, organizational processes, basic data, human, financial and material resources, the
enterprise can use all the internal and external resources for integrated operation of the system, Its core
application value lies in the pre-planned, in the control, after the inspection, which is the key to the daily
management of modern enterprises.
ERP in China&39;s manufacturing industry in the implementation and use of unsatisfactory results in
China&39;s stainless steel pipe industry in the implementation and use of the effect is not optimistic, stainless
steel pipe enterprises in the implementation and use of ERP system problems encountered in the process
will be far more than other industries. Because the variety of steel pipe varieties, the diversity of
specifications, sales methods, the diversity of settlement units, the need for a lot of departments and
collaboration with the close cooperation, quality system, delivery time, standardized management
requirements are much higher than other industries. On the SHANGSHANGDESHENG Group set up so
far after more than 10 years of development, has now developed into a production, processing, sales as one
of the stainless steel pipe and pipe products Group. SHANGSHANGDESHENG Group is a typical
stainless steel pipe business, product categories are relatively complete, and in the industry has a strong
representation, which is the choice of this company the purpose of this study.
This paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter I, introduction, the main content of the background,
significance, domestic and foreign ERP dynamic and so on. Chapter II, ERP and project management
theory, mainly describes the ERP basic theory, project management theory and ERP project management.
Chapter III, SHANGSHANGDESHENG Group ERP implementation analysis, the main analysis of the
development process on the SHANGSHANGDESHENG Group informatization and the ERP
implementation process. Chapter IV, SHANGSHANGDESHENG Group ERP implementation problems
and solutions, this chapter analyzes the management problems of ERP implementation and operation, and
puts forward the corresponding solutions to these problems. At the same time, some strategic methods of
ERP implementation are refined in this chapter. Chapter V, conclusion, this chapter summarizes this paper.
Based on the case study of ERP implementation process of SHANGSHANGDESHENG Group, this
paper analyzes the management problems of SHANGSHANGDESHENG Group in the process of
implementation, combining with ERP theory, implementation method theory and project management
theory, and aims at various management problems put forward the corresponding solution. Summed up the
analysis of how the successful implementation of stainless steel pipe business ERP, analysis of its general
steps and methods, the problem of processing. In addition, through the implementation of case studies on
the SHANGSHANGDESHENG Group ERP, in order to improve the success rate of ERP implementation
of stainless steel pipe industry, summed up the successful implementation of ERP strategy for peer
Key words: ERP, ERP Implementation,InformatizationIII
摘要.......... I
Abstract ... II
第一章绪论......... 1
1.1 研究背景.. 1
1.1.1 企业信息化与 ERP... 1
1.1.2 行业背景...... 1
1.1.3 本文研究企业背景.. 2
1.2 研究意义.. 2
1.2.1 理论意义...... 2
1.2.2 现实意义...... 3
1.3 国内外研究动态.. 3
1.3.1 国内研究动态.......... 3
1.3.2 国际研究动态.......... 4
1.4 主要研究内容...... 5
第二章 ERP 与项目管理相关理论研究.......... 6
2.1ERP 理论.... 6
2.1.1ERP 的含义