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本文以 J 银行宁波分行为研究对象,对于 J 银行宁波分行跨境人民币结算业
务的现状进行了分析,并通过 SWOT 分析方法引出其存在的问题及原因,主要


业务发展的保障措施则从国家、主管部门、J 银行本身三个方向出发,从国

本文对 J 银行宁波分行跨境人民币结算业务发展策略进行了较为深入的探

Research on the development strategy of cross-border RMB
settlement business in J bank Ningbo branch
This paper takes J bank Ningbo branch as the research object, the status of J Bank Ningbo
branch of cross-border RMB settlement business are analyzed, and points out the existing problems
and reasons through the analysis method of SWOT, that including customers, products, systems,
personnel reserve, risk control aspects. Aiming at the problems of J bank Ningbo branch, the
countermeasures and suggestions for the development of the business are given.
The countermeasures and suggestions of business development from the aspects of customers,
business structure, products, management and so on. First, customers, strengthen the management
of the customer information, classification of service implementation and by strengthening the
customer marketing to create high-quality customer resources; second, business, optimizing
business structure, balancing development of investment and financial, the cross-border RMB trade
finance, financial services and other products; third, product, to strengthen product innovation,
optimization to improve the whole row level product innovation and cross-border financial product
innovation; fourth, management, for business management, to improve business efficiency,
construct a perfect background system, for the risk management, to further improve the ability of
risk management, pay attention to the legal compliance of business operations, improve the
country risk management processes, etc..
Safeguard measures of business development are as follows, mainly from the national,
authorities and the bank itself. From the national level, they need to improve the relevant system
construction; from the competent authorities, to communicate and support for the bank&39;s business;
from the perspective of the bank, they need to develop long-term strategic guidance, and improve
the performance management system.
In this paper, the development strategy of cross-border RMB settlement business of J bank
Ningbo branch is discussed, and practical and guiding suggestions are given.
Key Words:commercial bank,cross-border RMB settlement business,strategy
research,business developmentIII
目 录
引 言.... 1
1 绪论 .... 1
1.1 选题背景和意义 ........ 1
1.2 研究的主要内容和方法 .. 2
1.2.1 研究主要内容 ..... 2
1.2.2 研究的方法 ....... 2
1.3 跨境人民币结算业务相关理论和文献综述 .......... 3
1.3.1 货币国际化理论 ... 3
1.3.2 汇率风险理论 ..... 4
1.3.3 跨境人民币结算国内外研究综述. 4
1.4 可能的创新之处和存在的不足 ........ 7
2 商业银行跨境人民币结算业务的历史沿革与发展现状 ......... 8
2.1 跨境人民币结算业务的概念 .......... 8
2.2 跨境人民币结算业务的历史沿革 ...... 8
2.2.1 跨境人民币业务试点前 ......... 8
2.2.2 跨境人民币业务试点后 ......... 9
2.3 商业银行开展跨境人民币结算业务的发展现状 ..... 10
2.3.1 跨境人民币结算业务范围不断扩大.......... 10
2.3.2 跨境人民币结算业务量快速增长 10
2.3.3 跨境人民币结算业务产品组合日趋丰富...... 12
3 J 银行宁波分行跨境人民币结算业务发展概况........ 13
3.1 关于 J 银行宁波分行的简介 ......... 13
3.2 J 银行宁波分行跨境人民币结算业务的现状 ....... 13
3.2.1 J 银行宁波分行跨境人民币结算业务的概况 .. 13
3.2.2 J 银行宁波分行跨境人民币结算业务开展情况15
3.3 J 银行宁波分行跨境人民币结算业务发展的 SWOT 分析 .......... 18
3.3.1 优势(strength)18
3.3.2 劣势(weakness)20
3.3.3 机会(opportunity) ......... 21
3.3.4 威胁和挑战(threat) ........ 21IV
4 J 银行宁波分行跨境人民币结算业务存在的问题及原因..... 23
4.1 J 银行宁波分行跨境人民币结算业务调查分析 ..... 23
4.1.1 调查问卷的设计 .. 23
4.1.2 数据收集与分析 .. 23
4.2 J 银行宁波分行跨境人民币结算业务面临的问题 ... 25
4.2.1 企业缺乏主动性需求 .......... 25
4.2.2 业务结构失衡、产品缺乏创新.. 25
4.2.3 业务处理效率低下25
4.2.4 风险管理控制较弱26
4.2.5 客户经理业务能力不佳 ........ 26
4.3 J 银行宁波分行跨境人民币结算业务问题的成因分析 ........... 26
4.3.1 目标客户营销不力26
4.3.2 境内进出口贸易结构不平衡 .... 27
4.3.3 产品创新落后,专业人才匮乏.. 27
4.3.4 条线职能划分过细,业务系统落后.......... 28
4.3.5 风险控制手段单一28
5 J 银行宁波分行跨境人民币结算业务发展的对策建议 ........ 29
5.1 客户拓展,培育优质客户资源 ....... 29
5.1.1 加强客户基础信息管理 ........ 29
5.1.2 实行客户分类式服务 .......... 29
5.1.3 强化客户营销 .... 29
5.1.4 夯实客户基础 .... 29
5.2 优化业务结构,全面均衡发展 ....... 30
5.2.1 加快发展跨境人民币投融资业务 30
5.2.2 重点拓展跨境人民币贸易融资业务.......... 30
5.2.3 积极拓展个人跨境人民币金融服务领域...... 30
5.3 加强产品创新,培养优质人才 ....... 31
5.3.1 优化完善全行级创新产品 ...... 31
5.3.2 加强跨境金融产品创新 ........ 31
5.4 提高业务处理效率,构建完善后台系统 ........... 31
5.4.1 提高业务处理效率31V
5.4.2 构建完善后台系统32
5.5 重视风险管理,保障健康发展 ....... 32
5.5.1 进一步提高风险管理能力 ...... 32
5.5.2 重视业务操作的依法合规性 .... 32
5.5.3 完善国别风险管理流程 ........ 32
6 促进 J 银行宁波分行跨境人民币结算业务发展的保障措施 33
6.1 国家完善相关制度建设 . 33
6.2 主管部门有效沟通和支持 ........... 33
6.3 银行制定长期指导战略 . 34
6.4 银行健全绩效管理体系 .......