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在目前白酒行业不景气的大环境下,O2O 模式的兴起,给白酒行业的网络
营销展现了一种新的思路。因此本文希望通过对郎酒 O2O 商业模式的探索,
研究在总结相关的营销理论的基础上,分析目前现行的 O2O 商业模式及白酒
进行 O2O 商业模式的改进设计,并提出可行的推广及实施办法,希望提供一
种可靠的思路作为其他白酒企业实施 O2O 战略的参考


首先介绍了本文的研究背景,认为针对白酒企业 O2O 商业模式的研究具

第二部分:O2O 理论及实践概述
首先着重介绍了 O2O 商业模式的定义及背后的 4D 营销理论,肯定了 O2O
商业模式的科学性,并采用了案例分析的方式介绍了当前国内外现存的 O2O
商业模式的成功案例,肯定了 O2O 商业模式在当前环境下对企业发展带来的
现实价值,然后分析了 O2O 商业模式在国内发展所需要注意的问题;
其次在理论及实践双重肯定的前提下,再对 O2O 商业模式的关键环节、
主要优势以及影响因素进行了分析总结,为之后郎酒 O2O 商业模式的设计提
最后在全方位分析现存 O2O 商业模式的基础上,再结合当前移动互联网
的大环境,着重分析了 O2O 商业模式在移动互联网大环境下的发展趋势,从
而肯定 O2O 商业模式的未来优势与价值

首先从传统实体运营模式、传统电子商务模式和 O2O 商业模式三个方面郎酒 O2O 商业模式研究介绍了白酒行业的运营现状,同时根据白酒行业 O2O 商业模式的运营现状及

然后针对白酒行业的实际情况,结合前面总结的 O2O 模式的优势与劣势
及未来发展的方向,分析 O2O 商业模式在白酒行业发展具备可行性

据第二章关于 O2O 商业模式的研究综述,分析了郎酒推广 O2O 商业模式的原

首先理论结合实际,对郎酒推广 O2O 商业模式进行了战略分析;
主要流程、盈利模式几个方面入手,为郎酒公司实施 O2O 战略提供了一套完

本部分阐述了个人对郎酒实行 O2O 战略的思考,认为郎酒必须加快实施
O2O 战略的步伐,并为郎酒 O2O 商业模式的发展提出了展望

本文的创新点在于希望通过对目前已有的 O2O 商业模式相关理论的归纳
于目前对于白酒行业 O2O 商业模式研究还比较少,本文更多的是结合理论与
个人工作的思考提出郎酒实施 O2O 战略的建议,并希望该研究能够为郎酒乃
至整个白酒行业 O2O 商业模式的推广和实施提供一定的参考

关键词:O2O 商业模式 电子商务 白酒行业 郎酒AbstractAbstract
In the current downturn of the liquor industry, O2O model provides a new
online marketing strategy to the liquor industry. This thesis aimed to explore O2O
model of Langjiu, and establish a new liquor marketing model to help Langjiu out
of sales difficulties in the current policy environment. Based on the relevant
marketing theories, this research analyzed the present O2O business model and the
liquor marketing model. Taking Langjiu as an example on the basis of the original
model, and combining the characteristics of the liquor industry, this thesis
improved the O2O business model, and put forward feasible promotion and
implementation methods to provide a reliable way for other liquor enterprises to
implement the O2O strategy.
The thesis is divided into five parts.
Part 1: Introduction
The research background was firstly introduced, stating the urgency to study
the O2O business model for liquor enterprises. The research content and
innovation were discussed next.
Part 2:The theory and practice overview of the O2O business model
Firstly,the author introduced the definition of O2O business model and the
underlying 4P marketing theory. The author discussed the science of O2O business
model and conducted case analysis of O2O business model in China and abroad
and affirmed the O2O business model in the current environment of the enterprise
development to bring the practical value. This thesis also analyzed the critical
problems for O2O business model to develop in China.
Secondly,based on theory and practice, the author summarized characteristics,
key links, main advantages and influencing factors of the O2O business model
which provided the theoretical background for the design of O2O business model
in liquor industry.Research on the O2O Business Model of Langjiu Sales CO.,LTDFinally,based on the analysis of existing O2O business model, this thesis
analyzed the development of the O2O business model under the current mobile
Internet environment, and described the future advantages and value of the O2O
business model.
Part 3: Problem analysis
Firstly,according to the actual situation of the liquor industry and considering
the advantages and disadvantages of O2O model and the direction of future
development, this thesis deduced the feasibility of O2O business model in the
liquor industry.
Secondly,The part used case analysis and introduced the background of
Langjiu from three aspects: brand marketing mode, marketing channel mode, and
e-commerce marketing mode.
Finally,The author described the problems that Langjiu had in the current
environment of liquor industry. According to the literature research of O2O
business model in Chapter 2, the author also analyzed the reason of Langjiu to
apply the O2O business model.
Part 4: Problem solving
Combining the theory and practice, I conducted strategic analysis for Langjiu
to promote the O2O business model.
Then I designed a comprehensive plan for Langjiu to implement the O2O
strategy from Langjiu&39;s basic condition, participating body, functional analysis,
payment platform, logistics, profit model and main flow. The author also provided
feasibility reports on promotion, branding, data mining, risk control, among others,
for Langjiu and other enterprises in the liquor industry to implement the O2O
Part 5: Conclusion and prospect
This section describes my personal understanding and analysis of the O2O
strategy for Langjiu, that Langjiu has to speed up the implementation of the O2O
strategy. The future development of O2O business model for Langjiu is also
This thesis is innovative in that its trying to find a new trajectory for Langjiu&39;s
development by reviewing relevant theories of the O2O business model and
analyzing the present Langjiu marketing. As prior research on the O2O businessAbstractmodel for the liquor industry is limited, this thesis relies on theories and personal
working experience to offer recommendations for Langjiu&39;s O2O strategies. It is
hoped that this study can benefit Langjiu and the entire liquor industry on the
promotion and implementation of O2O business model.
Keywords: O2O Business Model;E-commerce;Liquor Industry;Langjiu目 录目 录
1 绪论.......... 1
1.1 课题研究背景 ....... 1
1.2 课题研究意义 ....... 1
1.3 课题研究内容 ....... 2
1.4 研究创新点 ........ 3
1.5 本章小结 .......... 3
2 O2O 商业模式的理论及实践概述 .......... 4
2.1 相关理论及成功案例4
2.1.1 O2O 的定义..... 4
2.1.2 商业模式的定义5
2.1.3 O2O 商业模式的营销理论基础 . 6
2.1.4 O2O 商业模式的成功案例..... 7
2.2 O2O 商业模式的主要优势 ........ 10
2.2.1 与传统商业模式相比的优势 . 10
2.2.2 与传统 B2C 电子商务相比的优势 ......... 11
2.3 O2O 商业模式的关键环节 ........ 13
2.4 O2O 商业模式发展的影响因素 .... 13
2.4.1 宏观环境 ..... 14
2.4.2 市场竞争 ..... 14
2.4.3 经营管理 ..... 15
2.5 移动互联网趋势下 O2O 的发展 ... 15
2.6 本章小结 ......... 17郎酒 O2O 商业模式研究3 我国白酒行业运营现状及推广 O2O 商业模式的可行性分析 ........... 18
3.1 我国白酒行业运营模式现状 ..... 18
3.1.1 我国白酒行业传统运营模式 . 18
3.1.2 我国白酒行业电子商务发展的现状 ....... 19
3.2 我国白酒行业 O2O 商业模式的现状及成因分析 . 20
3.3 我国白酒行业 O2O 商业模式的可行性分析 ..... 22
3.4 本章小结 .