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农商行 微贷 IPC

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学员姓名:李荣海 学员签名:
指导教师:杨 屹 教授 导师签名:
沛县农商行(沛县以下简称 PX)作为一家中小商业银行,在资金、技术、人才、网
择。以 PX 农商行应用德国 IPC 技术开展微贷业务,为中小农村商业银行寻找发展突破提

索出了符合 PX 农商行的微贷业务开展模式和推进道路。尽管如此,但是 PX 农商行运用
德国 IPC 技术开展微贷业务,与过去的经营思路和传统的管理模式发生较大的改变。那
么在 PX 农商行实施德国 IPC 技术开展微贷业务,这一系统工程中,会出现什么样的问题,
为应对这些问题应采取什么对策。全文细致分析了 PX 农商行在市场竞争中的优势和劣
问题。PX 农商行实施微贷技术就是要解决这些问题,但是 PX 农商行实施德国 IPC 微贷
技术的过程中却出现许多问题,通过对案例的分析找出目前 PX 农商行实施德国 IPC 技术
导致这些问题产生的因素,同时针对性的提出了相关对策和建议。最后,提出 PX 农商行
实施德国 IPC 微贷技术的成功与不足以及未来展望。通过对 PX 农商行如何利用德国 IPC
技术开展微贷业务进行研究,可以发现一下几点:第一,PX 农商行开展微贷业务是实现
PX 农商行转型的必由之路,同时也是 PX 农商行摆脱历史包袱,实现自身发展的一条蹊
径;第二,要实现微贷在 PX 农商行的长久发展就必须加强人才建设,防止人才流失,通
过人才的激励使得 PX 农商行永远有一只充满活力的队伍;第三,对 PX 农商行如何利用
德国 IPC 技术开展微贷业务出现的问题进行研究,对类似 PX 农商行这样的农村金融机构

【关 键 词】德国 IPC 技术 微贷业务 对策
Title: German IPC technology application in the PX bank research
Major:Executive Master of Business Administration
Name:Li Rong hai Signature:
Supervisor:Prof. Yang Yi Signature:
Peixian county bank peixian county (hereinafter referred to as the PX), a small and
medium-sized commercial Banks, in capital, technology, talents, network construction, product
development and so on all can&39;t compete with state-owned commercial Banks today, how to
avoid the homogeneity competition, out of a suitable development way, using micro technology
to carry out the micro credit loan business is to tackle the financial crisis to realize their
transformation. With German IPC PX bank application technology to carry out the micro credit
business, for small and medium-sized rural commercial bank development offers a solution.
This is the current in cracking small micro enterprises financing difficulties provides a new
way in social problem.
Based on the research of the domestic and international microcredit practice, summarizing
the international poverty reduction as the main target of microfinance development way, also
summarizes the microfinance model in the domestic promotion and exploration. Based on the
experience summary, explore the micro credit conform to the PX bank business model and
advance the road. In spite of this, but PX bank use German IPC technology for micro lending
business, business ideas with the past and of the larger changes in the traditional management
mode. Then carried out in German IPC technology for micro PX bank loan business, the system
engineering, will appear what kind of problems, for what countermeasures should be taken to
cope with these problems. Full text carefully analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of PX
bank in market competition, as well as the existing deposit marketing loan pressure, pressure
big, the risk control problems such as big, efficiency improve slowly. PX bank implementation
of micro lending technology is to solve these problems, but PX bank to launch in the process of
the micro credit will appear many problems, through the analysis of the case to find out the
present PX bank implementation of German IPC technology causes of these problems, targeted
at the same time puts forward the related countermeasure and the suggestion. Finally, the paper
puts forward the PX bank in micro lending business success and shortage and the prospect of
the future. Through to the PX bank how to use the German IPC technology for micro lending
business, can find the points: first, PX bank to carry out the micro credit business is the onlyAbstract
way to transform the PX bank, is also a PX bank get rid of the historical burden, to realize their
own development is one of the way; Second, we should realize the long development of the
micro credit in PX bank must strengthen the construction of the talent, to prevent the brain
drain, through talent incentive PX bank will always have a dynamic team; Third, the PX bank
how to use the German IPC technology for micro lending business, for similar PX bank that
rural financial institutions get rid of the historical burden, realize own transformation, for
【Key words】German IPC technology Micro lending business Application
【Tape of thesis】Applied Research目 录
目 录
1 绪论....... 1
1.1 研究背景 ..... 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 ..... 3
1.3 研究思路和内容 ..... 3
1.4 研究方法 ..... 4
1.5 研究框架 ..... 5
2 理论基础及国内外研究现状... 6
2.1 理论基础 ..... 6
2.1.1IPC 技术的内容. 6
2.1.2 IPC 技术的优势 9
2.2 国内外研究现状 ... 11
2.2.1 微贷在国外的应用..... 11
2.2.2 微贷在国内的应用..... 15
2.2.3 经验与借鉴.... 16
3 PX 农商行实施德国 IPC 微贷技术现状及存在问题分析 .. 18
3.1 PX 农商行概况 ..... 18
3.1.1 资产状况......... 18
3.1.2 物理网点......... 20
3.1.3 组织架构......... 22
3.2 PX 农商行实施德国 IPC 技术现状的分析 ......... 26
3.2.1 运行方案......... 28
3.2.2 岗位的设置与人员晋升......... 32
3.2.3 规章制度的制定......... 34
3.3. PX 农商行实施德国 IPC 技术存在问题的分析37
3.3.1 贷款门槛高产品少..... 38
3.3.2 运营成本偏高. 38
3.3.3 人员素质参差不齐..... 39
3.3.4 客户贷款体验满意度下降..... 39
3.3.5 贷款现场调查中权益检验流于形式....