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集团战略 集团管控

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S 集团 2002 年由 J 省 N 市政府授权,管理运营原 N 市政公用局下属公交、
水业、燃气、市政建设、出租汽车等公司的资产与股权。S 集团抓住中国经济高
企业,在企业文化建设等方面获得省级以上奖项共 37 项,2015 年位列中国服务
业 500 强第 179 位。在国有企业向集团化、社会化、国际化迈进的过程中,S 集
不治”、组织架构“集而不团”、管控手段“多而不优”等问题,严重制约着 S 集团
全面推进依法治国、全面从严治党战略布局协调推进的重要时期,也是 S 集团
转型升级、做大做强,挺进中国服务业企业 100 强、中国企业 500 强的决胜期

因此无论是立足于国家层面,还是本土层面,S 集团的战略管控优化都势在必行

本文根据 S 集团的发展历程、客观条件,以及现有的管控方式和未来发展
重点研究在此轮国企改革中关于 S 集团的战略管控实施情况,针对存在的问题

控理论概述;第三章为 S 集团战略管控的现状分析;第四章为 S 集团战略管控
优化的 SWOT 分析;第五章为 S 集团战略管控优化的思路和目标;第六章为 S
集团战略管控优化的实施路径;第七章为结论与展望。本文提出 S 集团战略管
S 集团是典型的地方性国有企业,具备强烈的时代特点和行业特征,其涉足
领域的复杂性,本文对 S 集团战略管控模式的和管控手段的选择运用,从实践
上论证管控理论的相关理论观点,不仅对 S 集团具有指导意义,而且能够为集

S group was authorized by the municipal government of J Province in 2002, to
handle the management and operation of the assets and equity of subordinate
companies under the municipal Public Utilities Bureau of N City including bus, water
industry, combustion gas (coal) company, municipal construction company, and taxi
company etc. Having seized the golden decade of China&39;s rapid economic growth, S
group has realized the rapid growth of asset scale, sales revenue and profit, settling a
local and even national landing in the main specialization.
In the duration of the Twelfth Five-year period, the Group had undergone the
phase of fast growth, displaying substantial increment in terms of various economic
indexes. It was awarded the title of China&39;s No. 1 Growth Enterprise, and was rated
as 2A Enterprise by credit rating agencies. In terms of the enterprise culture
construction, it was the winner of multiple provincial level awards, a total of 37. In
2015, it was ranked at 179th amongst the Top 500 of China&39;s service industry. Like
any other large state-owned enterprises experiencing the socialization,
internationalization of the state-owned enterprise, plenty of problems are revealed
ranging from the unsound organization system, inadequate management and control,
low resources allocation efficiency, inferior overall competitiveness in spite of the
top-speed development. In particular, such problems as lax corporate governance,
un-united organizational structure and lack of supreme means of control etc. in terms
of strategic control, which restricts the sustainable and healthy development of the S
group. The period of 13th Five Year is not only a crucial period of building a
well-off society in an all-round way in China, comprehensively deepening reform,
comprehensively promoting the rule of law and the coordinative boosting of the
strategic layout of comprehensive strengthening party discipline, but also a decisive
period of transforming and upgrading of S Group, by getting bigger and stronger and
advancing into top 100 amongst China&39;s service industry enterprises and Top 500
Chinese Enterprises. So no matter in the national level, or local level, S group’s
corporate governance is imperative
In view of the development history, objective conditions, existing control mode
and future development strategy of S group, with reference of the theory and practice
regarding the strategic control of Group enterprises, a comprehensive and in-depth
analysis is conducted centering on the strategic control status quo of S GroupAbstract
enterprise and all types of issues lingered in it with the adoption of relevant research
and analysis methods. Besides, it sums up an effective strategy control mode
applicable for the S Group, and come up with the transformation of administrative
decentralization to positive governance concerning the Group strategic control mode.
The paper is divided into seven chapters in structure. The first is an introduction;
The second chapter is introduction to the theory of strategic control in S group; The
third chapter analysis the situation of strategic control in S group; The fourth chapter
analysis the SWOT theory. The fifth chapter is S strategic control optimization main
ideas and goals. The sixth is implementation of the path for S group. The last chapter
is Conclusion and prospect.
The paper puts forward strategic control should by administrative
decentralization into positive governance model. With the mainstay of three-level
control framework of mother - child - subsidiary and mother -affair -subsidiary,
the equity relationship should be straightened out, the management layers decreased,
management chain compressed, so as to promote the organizational flattenization by
giving more autonomy to business operation in terms of business running an form a
small function, big business control pattern.
S group as a typical enterprise model of local state-owned enterprises, with
distinct characteristics of The Times and industry characteristics, In the paper, the S
group strategy the choice of control mode and control methods of use, from
demonstration control theory in the practice of related theoretical perspectives.
Therefore, the paper is of more than certain guidance significance for S Group.
The selective utilization of the strategic control mode and means of S Group, is able
to not only expound and prove relevant theoretical perspectives of control theory in
practice, but also enrich the model type of Group enterprises, especially the
state-owned enterprises in the current environment, especially the schema type of
state-owned enterprises, and prove the decision-making and reference value for the
strategic control system construction in the reform and development of the
state-owned enterprises.
Key Words: Enterprise Group, Parent-subsidiary Company, Optimization Design,
Strategic Control目 录
目 录
第 1 章 导论.....1
1.1 研究背景和意义 .........