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优秀的烘培企业,HLL 就是其中一家。HLL 的市场营销策略同样对该企业的长远
发展产生了重要的影响,但是面对国内外品牌在中国的入驻与发展,HLL 的市场
不断分割,利润收益也受到影响。对此,HLL 必须要改善现有的市场营销策略,

本文在研究中以 HLL 为对象,针对该公司的营销策略改进进行了深入的分析

与框架、方向;随后,本文又对 4P、4C 等市场营销策略的理论与本文使用到的
了理论依据;本文具体选择了 HLL,对其公司的发展进行了简单的介绍,同时也
析,为后文营销策略的探索打下了良好的基础;在接下来的部分,又结合了 HLL
略中存在的问题。最后,本文对 HLL 的目标市场选择、营销策略的改善提出了可
行的改善建议,并且从管理保障条件入手,提出 HLL 应该通过管理制度的优化、

关键词:HLL 食品有限公司;营销策略;STP 分析法;波特五力;PEST 分析法Abstract
The prospects for business development and marketing strategy and enterprise size
has a direct contact, which is related to the occupancy of the enterprise market
share, brand influence to im prove the si tuation. In C hinese consumption level,
consumption structure and im prove the pr omotion of market economy , the baking
industry in China in recent years has been the strong development, but also a number of
outstanding pouring baking business, HLL is one of them. HLL&39;s marketing strategy
similar to the long-term developm ent of enterprises had a significant im pact, but the
face of dom estic and foreign brands ente r and develop ment in China, the m arket
continues to HLL segmentation, profit gains have also been adversely affected. In this
regard, HLL must improve the existing marketing strategies, take a proactive attitude to
face the competition.
Based on the study in respect to the HLL targeted, in-depth analysis of the
company&39;s marketing strategy improvements. In this pap er, the f irst is the actual
situation, from the perspective of a syst ematic analysis of the background and
significance of the research, and theoretical research scholars were summarized, on the
basis of determining the article the main content of the frame, direction; then , this paper
theoretical herein 4P, 4C and other marketing strategies used to STP, PEST, Porter&39;s five
forces analysis and other tools elaborated on the concept, for in-depth analysis of the
text provides a theore tical basis; h erein specific choice the HLL, their com pany&39;s
development of a simple presentation, but also its internal environment of the business
model, the external environment, competitors and macro environment in-depth analysis,
to explore later laid a good marketing strategy basis; the next section, but also combines
the status of HLL&39;s marketing, analysis of the main marketing strategy of the company
is taken and analyzed various marketing strategies in the existing problems. Finally, this
paper HLL target market selection, improve marketing strategy put forward feasible
suggestions for im provement, and starting from the m anagement to ensure theconditions put forward by the HLL should optimize the m anagement system, the
introduction of talents, in order to carry out m arketing activities to provide more stand
Key words: HLL Food Co; Marke ting Strategy; STP analysis; Porter&39;s Five Forces;
PESTAnalysis目 录
第 1 章 绪论 ........1
1.1 研究背景及意义 ..1
1.1.1 研究背景 .......1
1.1.2 研究意义 .......2
1.2 国内外相关研究综述 ......2
1.2.1 国外相关研究综述 ....2
1.2.2 国内相关研究综述 ....3
1.3 主要研究内容及方法 ......5
1.3.1 研究内容 .......5
1.3.2 研究方法 .......6
第 2 章 相关理论概述 ....8
2.1 市场营销策略理论 ..........8
2.1.1 市场营销策略的涵义及特点 ...........8
2.1.2 4P 营销理论...9
2.1.3 4C 营销理论.10
2.2 相关分析工具概述 ........11
2.2.1 PEST 分析....11
2.2.2 波特五力模型 .........12
2.2.3 STP 分析.......12
第 3 章 HLL 公司营销环境分析........14
3.1 内部环境分析 ....14
3.1.1 公司背景介绍 ..........14
3.1.2 公司经营模式 ..........14
3.1.3 内部营销环境分析结论 ......153.2 外部环境分析 .....15
3.2.1 国内烘焙行业的发展情况...15
3.2.2 消费者消费水平及消费结构的变化..........16
3.2.3 HLL 公司主要竞争对手分析......