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机器的崛起 PUBLISHED BY 09|2017 RISE OF THE MACHINES BLINK MediaCom is “The Content + Connections Agency”, working on behalf of its clients to leverage their brands’ entire system of communications across paid, owned and earned channels to deliver a step change in their business outcomes. MediaCom is one of the world’s leading media communications specialists, with billings near US$33 billion (source: RECMA June 2017), employing 7,000 people in 125 offces across 100 countries. Its global client roster includes Dell, P&G, PSA, Shell and Universal. MediaCom is a member of WPP, the world’s largest marketing communications services group, and part of GroupM, WPP’s consolidated media investment management arm. 竞立媒体是一家“内容与渠道整合传播代理 商”,致力于代表客户,利用客户品牌付费、 自有或获得的整个沟通渠道系统,为客户业务 成果带来改变 竞立媒体是全球领先的专业媒介传播机构,年 度媒介承揽额将近330亿美元(来源:RECMA 2017年6月数据)。竞立媒体在全球100个国 家拥有125个办事处,拥有7000名员工。客户 包括戴尔、宝洁、标致雪铁龙、壳牌和环球 影业 竞立是群邑的成员。群邑是WPP旗下世界领先 的媒介投资管理机构,WPP 集团是全球领先 的传播服务集团 MANY THANKS TO KEY CONTRIBUTORS Christian Solomon Chief Digital Offcer, MediaCom China Peter Petermann Chief Strategy Offcer, MediaCom China | RISE OF THE MACHINES机器的崛起BLINK 机器的崛起 人工智能将会如何改变你的业务 数字广告领域正在经历又一场巨大变革——人工智能(AI)的到来 中国是当今世界最活跃的数字市场之一。中国在电子商务和移动支付等重要的数字化发展领域屡屡创新, 引领世界,如今又在主导人工智能的发展。市场上的三大巨头——百度、阿里巴巴和腾讯纷纷在人工智能 领域投入巨大资本,其他企业也势必会紧随其后 人工智能必将彻底颠覆整个广告界。对品牌主而言,必须做足准备迎接这一无可避免的变革。若能合理利 用好数据、技术和人力资源,品牌主就能够自如应对未来的挑战和机遇 我们的这份白皮书《机器的崛起》以全新的视角解读人工智能将会带来的改变,并为品牌提供“转型参考 框架”,以适应消费者购买路径和价值链的彻底变革 Christian Solomon, Chief Digital Offcer, MediaCom China Christian Solomon, 竞立中国首席数字营销官 RISE OF THE MACHINES How Artifcial Intelligence will transform your business The digital advertising space is about to pass through another radical transformation. This time with the onset of Artifcial Intelligence (AI). China is one of the most dynamic digital markets in the world. After leading the world with innovations in key digital growth areas such as e-Commerce and mobile payments, it’s now taking the lead in AI. The large players in the market, Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent are already investing massively and other players are sure to follow suit. AI is set to radically transform the advertising industry the world over. It is essential for brands to prepare for the inevitable change that is already on its way. With the right approach to data, technology and human resources brands can position themselves to meet the challenges and opportunities ahead. Our White Paper on “Rise of the Machines” provides a new point of view on what to expect, and reveals a Transformational Framework for brands as the consumer path to purchase and the value chain are reborn. 淘宝店铺 “Vivian研报” 收集整理 获取最新报告及后续更新服务请淘宝搜索“Vivian研报” | RISE OF THE MACHINES机器的崛起BLINK THE MACHINES HAVE RISEN Artifcial intelligence has been the subject of blockbuster movies for a long time, from Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” in 1961 to the latest installment of the Transformers. But whereas these movies are science fction, today’s AI is fact. In many applications, Artifcial Intelligence is already actively improving our lives and making businesses more effcient across the world: whether it is Siri on your iPhone reminding you to pack an umbrella or a booking engine fnding the best price for a trip – AI is here. Where today’s real AI differs from the movies is that it doesn’t generally come in the form of a humanoid robot, or at least not yet. Essentially, AI is computer code and algorithms, albeit very sophisticated ones, combined with massive computing power that allows these programs to learn. Machine learning is both the core and the basis of all AI applications. For example, Deep Learning allows algorithms to become better and better at image and speech recognition, machine vision or natural language processing – all of which are necessary to make human/machine interaction more natural. It sits at the heart of self-driving vehicles and smart robotics because it is impossible to foresee and program all potential situations in which robots and humans might have to interact. And it is the basis for virtual agents such as Siri and Amazon Alexa which will soon be in a position to make about 30-50% of all of our shopping decisions for us. Whether this is a good thing is up for debate. Some of the world’s most famous minds are hesitant. Nick Bostrom, Director of Oxford’s University Future of Humanity Institute, eloquently asked: “Will super intelligence realize one day that the most effcient way for it to increase its intelligence is to end humanity to make more space for bandwidth” And Elon Musk, possibly the world’s most prominent entrepreneur, seems to agree stating, AI is “potentially more dangerous than nukes”. Kevin Kelly, on the other hand, goes as far as saying that “AI will be the next industrial revolution and create things that we can’t even dream of”. He suggests that AI will be able to develop solutions to things that the human brain is simply not wired to imagine. A chatbot talking to a human user Face recognition requires self- learning algorithms Autonomous driving is among the most complex tasks for AI Smart robots with a human face: the future of healthcare What they all agree on, however, is that AI will change our lives forever. Artifcial Intelligence is the next major digital disruption and we need to get ready now to make the most of it. 。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看