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With the change of market system in twenty-first Century, the modern
pharmaceutical enterprises increasingly tough competition fierce, the multinational
enterprise business development, business transformation, more is facing many new
challenges, namely how to maintain the original object groups, develop new
customers, increase business scale development efforts, and establish friendly market
at home and abroad cooperation, it has become the key industry primary face.
Therefore, to study and analyze the customer relationship system, help multinational
pharmaceutical companies to optimize the strategic path, to establish a stable and
harmonious market cooperation, and to deepen its reform and development, the
sustainable development and lay a solid basis.
In view of the above background, this paper is mainly based on the scientific
research attitude, rigorous research, in the case of Hua Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. China
Nobel, the current customer management system of the company, launched a detailed
analysis and research. In the course of the study, mainly from the point of view of
marketing management, and using a variety of research methods, combined with
domestic and foreign research materials, excellent theoretical methods, to carry out a
detailed study. Including the current relationship between management system of the
company existing customers: data input and authenticity; coordination process and
CRM system; acceptance of CRM system management; CRM system stability etc.. In
this regard, the author on the basis of the above studies, provide improvement strategy
and the corresponding optimization ideas, such as adjusting the operation process, to
establish a scientific enterprise culture, establish a scientific management system and
the work of management and so on.
Specifically, this article focuses on the study of the relationship between the
management of Novartis customers, and focus on the company&39;s actual situation and
the needs of business development, strategic development goals, to develop the
research framework. In addition, at the time of the study, combined with China&39;s
pharmaceutical industry development law, to the company&39;s CRM system to conduct a
comprehensive optimization, in order to implement the scientific and effective
improvement purpose, to explore the Novartis business development needs, and can
promote the customer relationship management system of new system, new method. I
hope that through this study, to related enterprises, and provide reference, and
promote the healthy development of China&39;s multinational enterprises, which
therefore, this paper studies on the future, also has certain practical significance. I
believe that with the improvement of the level of domestic economic development,
the domestic pharmaceutical industry will also have a better space for development.
Keywords: customer relationship management system; Novartis; application

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第一章 绪论.........1
1.1 研究的背景、目的和意义 ..1
1.1.1 研究背景 ..........1
1.1.2 研究目的 ..........2
1.1.3 研究意义 ..........2
1.2 国内外研究现状 ..........2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 ......2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 ......4
1.2.3 研究评述 ..........5
1.3 研究的主要内容和方法 ....6
1.3.1 研究的主要内容 ....6
1.3.2 研究的主要方法 ....7
1.4 创新之处 ....7
第二章 客户关系管理的理论概述...9
2.1 客户关系管理 9
2.1.1 内涵 ..9
2.1.2 类型 ..9
2.1.3 影响客户关系管理的因素 .......10
2.1.4 客户关系相关理论 .10
2.2 CRM 系统 ...11
2.2.1 CRM 系统的概念 ...11
2.2.2 CRM 系统的分类 ...11
2.2.3 CRM 系统的特点 ...13
第三章 诺华制药客户关系管理 CRM 系统的构建..15
3.1 诺华制药公司概况 .......15
3.2 诺华制药公司未实施 CRM 系统的管理状况及存在的问题...........15
3.2.1 诺华制药公司未实施 CRM 系统的管理状况 .....15
3.2.2 诺华制药公司未实施 CRM 系统的管理存在的问题 ...........16
3.2.3 诺华制药公司 CRM 系统实施目标 .16
3.3 诺华制药公司 CRM 系统的需求分析 .....17
3.3.1 诺华制药公司 CRM 系统的需求分析 ...........17
3.3.2 诺华制药公司 CRM 系统功能设计 .19
第四章 诺华制药客户关系管理 CRM 系统的实施..26
4.1 诺华制药公司 CRM 系统的实施策略 .....26
4.2 客户关系管理 CRM 系统实施保障 .......28
4.2.1 优化运作流程的保障 ...........28
4.2.2 建立科学的企业文化保障 .......32
4.2.3 科学的管理制度保障 ...........33
4.2.4 做好管理工作的保障 ...........33
第五章 诺华制药 CRM 系统应用中存在的问题及原因..........35
5.1 数据输入过程复杂 .......35
5.2 流程与 CRM 系统的协调性差 ...........35
5.3 适应 CRM 系统的人力资源管理体系还没有建立 .......36
5.4 CRM 系统的稳定性较差 ...37
5.5 造成应用问题的原因分析 .37
第六章 诺华制药发展客户关系 CRM 系统的策略..39
6.1 构建以 CRM 系统为核心的组织构架 .....39
6.2 树立以客户为中心的营销理念 .........40
6.3 建立以服务客户为核心的人力资源体系 .40
6.4 有效的开展和完善客户关系管理系统 ...41