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本形成。2015 年中央一号文件《关于加大改革创新力度加快农业现代化建设的若干意见》
农村区域的网上技术服务和线下公共服务平台——东营 e 家农村电子商务


首先,在对东营 e 家农村电子商务在政治、经济、社会、技术等外部环境及技术素质、
营 e 家的自身现状和外在环境,提出了线上销售、线下配送的“O2O 新模式”;其次,为
现状,系统提出了东营 e 家业务运营的总体构想、业务运营的目标以及东营 e 家在市场、
整体策划了东营 e 家农村电子商务的运营模式与管理机制,并在资源整合、网点建设、
运营管理等方面提出了具体可行的实施意见;最后,为保障东营 e 家农村电子商务的正

关键词:东营 e 家;农村市场;电子商务;品牌II
With the rapid development of China&39;s urbanization process, the rural network
infrastructures are increased, and the e-commerce markets in the countryside is forming. In
2015, the Central First Document several opinions about intensify reform and innovation to
speed up the construction of agricultural modernization points out that supporting electric
business, logistics, trade, finance and other businesses to participate in agricultural electronic
commerce construction, to carry out the electronic commerce in rural comprehensive
demonstration. In this background, Dongying huilida electronic commerce limited company
builds the technical services online and offline public service platform based on local rural
area —Dongying e home rural e-commerce.
Through theoretical analysis and empirical research, the operation management strategy
to Dongying e home was analyzed and studied in this paper. Firstly, the environment of
Dongying e home was analyzed from the external environment including thepolitical,
economic, social, technology and the internal environment, such as technical quality,
management quality, staff quality, operation mode, financial quality, respectively. According
to the situation of Dongying e home, the online and offline distribution O2O new model
was put forward. Secondly, in order to promote the two-way development about net goods to
the countryside and agricultural products to the city in Dongying city, combining with the
current situation of the local logistics and information flow, the overall plan of Dongying e
home business operations was put forward, operations of rural markets goals were set, the
developments of Dongying e home in the market, infrastructure and business orientation were
positioned. Combining with the problems existing in dongying district rural e-commerce and
dongying e home itself, the operation mode and management mechanism of Dongying e home
were carried on the plan. The concrete implementation opinions in resource integration,
network construction, operation management, etc. are put forward. Finally, in order to
guarantee the normal run of Dongying e home rural e-commerce, the safeguard measures
were put forward on the aspects about government cooperation, professional training base
construction, information publicity and funding.
Keywords: Dongying e home, Rural market, E-commerce, BrandIII
目 录
第一章 绪论..........1
1.1 研究背景及目的意义 ...........1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究目的及意义 2
1.2 农村电商研究现状 ...3
1.3 研究方法 .......3
1.3.1 文献研究法 ........4
1.3.2 比较研究法 ........4
1.3.3 实地调研法 ........4
第二章 相关理论综述 .......5
2.1 企业竞争战略理论 ...5
2.2 企业战略分析工具 ...6
2.2.1 外部环境分析——PEST 分析模型 ......6
2.2.2 内部能力分析——价值链模型 7
2.2.3 内部产业结构分析——五力分析模型 7
2.2.4 企业战略环境分析——SWOT 分析模型 ........8
第三章 东营 E 家农村电子商务的竞争环境系统分析 ...........10
3.1 东营 E 家农村电子商务基本概况..10
3.2 东营 E 家农村电子商务的环境分析.......... 11
3.2.1 东营 e 家农村电子商务的外部环境分析....... 11
3.2.2 内部条件分析 ..14
3.2.3 竞争环境分析 ..15
3.2.4 东营 e 家的 EFE 矩阵及 IFE 矩阵分析..........18
3.2.5 东营 e 家农村电子商务的 SWOT 分析 .........21
第四章 东营 E 家农村电子商务业务运营的总体构想 .23IV
4.1 东营 E 家农村电子商务业务运营农村市场目标 .......... 23
4.2 东营 E 家农村电子商务的发展定位.... 24
4.2.1 东营 e 家的市场定位 .. 24
4.2.2 东营 e 家农村电子商务的基础建设和业务定位 ...... 25
4.3 东营 E 家农村电子商务发展的总体思想......... 25
4.4 东营 E 家农村电子商务的主要业务.... 26
4.4.1 商品购物 .......... 26
4.4.2 农产品进城 ...... 27
4.4.3 缴费服务 .......... 27
4.4.4 民生便民服务 .. 27
4.4.5 多元化扶持 ...... 28
第五章 东营 E 家农村电子商务运营与管理..... 29
5.1 东营地区农村电商存在的问题 ..... 29
5.2 东营 E 家农村电子商务存在的问题 ...