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文献研究法、问卷调查法、案例研究法、访谈法等研究方法,对 Z 学院辅导员的绩效
进行梳理,通过问卷调查法和访谈法对 Z 学院辅导员绩效考核存在的问题进行剖析;
第三,通过对 Z 学院辅导员岗位进行系统重构,绩效考核体系进行优化设计,并构建
岗位调整等方面进行 Z 学院辅导员的绩效考核体系的优化与应用措施

Following the deepening of the reform of higher education in China, the expansion of the
scale of colleges and universities, colleges and universities are facing increasing pressure
and difficulty in management. The counselor is an important part of the management of
colleges and universities, shouldering the ideological and political education of college
students, daily management, mental health education and employment education and a series
of work, the management level is directly related to the management of colleges and
universities. In order to improve the quality of education and management, many colleges
and universities will be the introduction of performance management in Colleges and
universities, the administrative staff, counselors, teaching staff, such as performance
appraisal. But at present, there is still a lack of accepted and complete performance appraisal
management system. The performance management system with the help of the enterprise
performance management model, a mere formality, the lack of feasibility and measurement.
This study combine the performance appraisal and the work of college counselors, to
enhance scientific counselor assessment and operability, and thus enhance the Counselor&39;s
management ability and level, promote the improvement of talents training.
In this paper, firstly, it explains the related theories of performance appraisal, to provide
theoretical guidance for further study; secondly, using the methods of literature study,
questionnaire survey method, case study method, interviews and other research methods, to
study the Z college counselor performance appraisal status quo and existing problems,
analyzes the present situation of the literature research method of counselors the domestic
and foreign performance appraisal, analysis through questionnaire and interview of Z college
counselor performance appraisal problems; third, through the reconstruction of Z college
counselor system, performance appraisal system to optimize the design and construction of
fuzzy matrix model for empirical analysis and verification; finally, from the optimization
and application of methods of performance appraisal. Grade, assessment results feedback Z
college counselor performance appraisal system and application’s adjustment..
Key Words: Performance Appraisal, Instructor, University Student; SystemIV
目 录
摘要 ..... II
目 录 ..... IV
1 绪论 ...... 1
1.1 研究背景 . 1
1.1.1 高校学生管理工作面临机遇与挑战 . 1
1.1.2 高校辅导员绩效考核制度改革 ..... 1
1.1.3 Z 学院全面推进人才培养模式改革 .. 1
1.2 研究意义 . 1
1.2.1 理论意义 ........... 2
1.2.2 实践意义 ........... 2
1.3 文献综述 . 2
1.3.1 国外文献综述 ....... 2
1.3.2 国内文献综述 ....... 2
1.3.3 文献评述 ........... 3
1.4 研究思路与方法 ....... 3
1.4.1 研究思路 ........... 4
1.4.2 研究方法 ........... 4
1.5 理论基础 . 5
1.5.1 绩效管理 ........... 5
1.5.2 绩效考核 ........... 5
2 Z 学院辅导员岗位绩效考核管理现状 ... 9
2.1 Z 学院概况9
2.1.1 基本概况 ........... 9
2.1.2 辅导员队伍建设概述 . 9
2.2 Z 学院辅导员绩效考核现状 ......... 10
2.2.1 Z 学院辅导员考核管理现状 ....... 10
2.2.2 Z 学院辅导员绩效考核指标考体系 . 11
2.2.3 Z 学院辅导员绩效考核现状调查 ... 13
2.3 Z 学院辅导员绩效考核体系存在问题分析 ......... 17V
2.3.1 设计思路狭窄 ...... 17
2.3.2 考核指标及权重不足17
2.3.3 考核方法单一 ...... 17
2.3.4 评价机制缺失 ...... 18
2.4 Z 学院辅导员绩效考核存在问题成因分析 ......... 18
2.4.1 对绩效考核的定位和认识有偏差 .. 18
2.4.2 传统人事制度观念制约发展 ...... 18
2.4.3 职位分析工作有待进一步完善 .... 18
2.4.4 绩效考核过程的监督机制不完善 .. 19
2.4.5 指标体系设计过程中避重就轻 .... 19
2.4.6 绩效考核结果运用环节脱节 ...... 19
3 Z 学院辅导员岗位绩效考核评估体系优化设计 ...... 20
3.1 Z 学院辅导员工作岗位分析 ......... 20
3.1.1 工作要求 .......... 20
3.1.2 工作职责 .......... 20
3.1.3 岗位说明书 ........ 20
3.2 Z 学院辅导员岗位绩效评估体系优化设计 ......... 22
3.2.1 优化原则与思路 .... 22
3.2.2 绩效考核主体选择 .. 23
3.2.3 绩效考核指标的确定24
3.3 Z 学院辅导员岗位绩效考核评估模型的构建 ....... 29
3.3.1 绩效考核指标权重计算方法 ...... 29
3.3.2 绩效考核评指标模糊矩阵构建 .... 30
4 Z 学院优化后的辅导员绩效考核管理评估体系应用 .. 32
4.1 Z 学院优化后的辅导员绩效考核管理评估体系实施 . 32
4.1.1 绩效考核实施周期 .. 32
4.1.2 考核结果等级设计 .. 32
4.1.3 绩效评估 .......... 32
4.2 Z 学院优化后的辅导员绩效考核体系实施反馈与应用 ........... 36
4.2.1 绩效考核等