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A 国有融资性担保公司的发展策略研究
2015 年 1 月公布的中国官方制造业采购经理指数(PMI)为 49.8,低于 2014 年 12 月
的 50.1,自 2014 年 7 月开始持续创新低,也是自 2012 年 9 月以来首次跌破枯荣线

PMI 反映了制造业经济的增长情况:即当该指数大于 50 时表明制造业经济上升,小于
50 时制造业经济下降。在国内方面,2015 年 3 月 2 日公布的 2 月份中国制造业 PMI
降至 49.9,虽然比 1 月份微升 0.1 个百分点,但仍处于警戒线以下。同时伴随煤炭、钢
行带来巨大压力,企业的利润和市场空间已在逐步趋窄。在国际方面,2014 年 11 月
欧元区制造业 PMI 由 10 月的 50.6 进一步降低至 50.1,创 2013 年 6 月以来的最低值,
显示欧元区制造业增长近乎停滞。同时,欧元区 2014 年 5 月失业率仍维持在 11.6%,
与修订后的 4 月份数据持平,失业率的居高不下,反映出欧元区的经济仍然难以彻底

本文研究选择从企业发展战略相关理论研究入手,通过对 A 担保公司发展的内
部和外部环境展开分析,综合运用波特五力模型、PEST 分析法和 SWOT 综合分析 A
担保公司发展所依托的外部环境和内部条件,通过 SWOT 分析方法将企业发展战略
理论和 A 担保公司发展实践结合来综合确立 A 担保公司发展战略与战略实施措施,中文摘要 A 国有融资性担保公司的发展策略研究

关键词:A 国有融资性担保公司、发展、策略
作 者:范伟峰
指导老师:周中胜A strategy of development of the state-owned financing guarantee company Abstract
A strategy of development of the state-owned financing
guarantee company
The China&39;s official manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) was 49.8 in Jan
2015, which was lower than that of Dec 2014 that was 50.1. The PMI has been sustaining
lower since Jul 2014, and also it is the first the PMI is lower withered flourish line. The
PMI indicates the growth of the manufacturing economy: when it is higher than 50 it
implies that the manufacturing economy is rising, on the other hand when it is lower than
50 it implies that the manufacturing economy is declining. Internally, Released on 2
March, 2015 Chinese manufacturing PMI in February fell to 49.9. Though it gains 0.1%
increasing compared with that of Jan 2015, it is still below the safety line. Commodities
such as coal, steel, iron ore and cotton have a lot of storage, and the prices of them decline,
which fully shows that the economic downturn brings high pressure to enterprises, and
narrows the space of profit and market. Externally, The PMI of EU declined from 50.6 in
Oct to be 50.1 in Nov 2014, which is the lowest level since Jun 2013. It indicated that the
growth of EU manufacturing was almost frozen. Meanwhile, the EU’s unemployment rate
remained at 11.6% in May 2014, and it was the same as the revised data in April. The
remaining high unemployment rate shows that the EU’s economy is still difficult to get rid
of the negative effect brought by the European debt crisis.
From the above description, we can conclude that the manufacturing market of
European is suffering more the negative effect. This influences a lot of the development of
local enterprises and multinational enterprises. Economic downturn requests the enterprises
to think about how to survive, how to make sure the product meeting the market demand
and won the considerable profit, how to find the correct location for enterprises
development, and also how to find the right development strategy. At the same time, how
to survive, develop and won the competitive advantage have become the main tasks for
finance guarantee companies which has gotten the permit to finance guarantee under the
background of new supervising policy and fierce competitive environment. How to carryAbstract A strategy of development of the state-owned financing guarantee company
out deep analyze relying on the external environment and internal conditions, find out the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. And on the basis of the previous analysis,
the company can formulate its development goal, determine the development strategy, and
implement the safeguard measures. All these are urgent and necessary to ensure the
company&39;s competitive advantage.
This article choices studying from the theories of enterprise development, analyzes
the internal and external environment of A guarantee company, uses porter five models,
PEST analysis and SWOT comprehensive analysis to analyzes the external environment
and internal condition that A guarantee company relying on. Through the SWOT analysis
method to combine the development strategy and practice of A guarantee company, and
determine the development strategy and strategy implementation measures. In a sense this
article puts forward the thinking of development strategy with demonstration significance
and practical value.
Keywords: A state-owned financing guarantee companies, development, strategy
Written by:Fan Weifeng
Supervised by:Zhou Zhongsheng目 录
第一章 绪 论..........1
1.1 研究背景 .........1
1.2 研究的意义和目的 .....2
1.2.1 研究意义...2
1.2.2 研究目的...2
1.3 研究的方法、思路与框架 .....3
1.3.1 研究方法...3
1.3.2 研究思路...3
1.3.3 研究框架...3
第二章 相关理论综述..........5
2.1 融资担保交易成本理论 .........5
2.2 资产替代效应理论 .....5
2.3 逆向选择与道德风险理论 .....6
2.4 信号传递与资信评价担保理论 .........6
2.5 关系贷款理论 .6
第三章 A 国有融资担保公司内外部环境分析......8
3.1 A 担保公司的内部环境分析 ..8
3.1.1 A 担保公司概况....8
3.1.2 内部条件分析.........