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罗斯双边贸易合作逐渐趋于成熟稳定,有望延续平稳增长态势。2014 年 10
月,中俄两国央行签署了 1500 亿元双边本币互换协议,金融合作已经成为中
俄经贸合作提速升级的突破口。我国海关统计数据显示,2015 年中俄贸易额
达 680 亿美元,中俄贸易的规模和质量均在同步提升。黑龙江省受其地缘及
国家政治环境影响,双边贸易额分别占两国相对应权重的 25%和 30%,蝉联
的主要集散中心,承载了中国 60%的对俄贸易量,对俄业务发展潜力巨大


本论文以总部坐落于哈尔滨市的 HA 银行为实例,首先从基本情况、组
织结构、业务流程及业务优势四方面对 HA 银行对俄金融业务的当前状态予
以剖析,提出目前 HA 银行在对俄业务发展中存在的诸多问题并对产生问题
HA 银行拓展对俄金融业务的内外部影响因素进行探讨,明确业务发展的机
合就读 MBA 期间学习到的相关管理理论和经济知识、结合身边负责对俄工
作同事的工作管理经验分享,针对目前存在的问题对 HA 银行今后开展对俄

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After years of development, Sino Russian cooperation in the field of
financial deepening, especially since this year China and Russia bilateral trade
cooperation has gradually become more mature and stable, is expected to
continue steady growth in October.2014, Russia&39;s central bank signed a 150
billion yuan bilateral currency swap agreements, financial cooperation between
China and Russia has become the economic and trade cooperation speed upgrade
breakthrough. The customs statistical data in China in 2015, the Sino Russian
trade volume reached US $68 billion, the scale and quality of the trade between
China and Russia are simultaneously improved. In Heilongjiang province by its
geographical and political environment, the bilateral trade volume accounted for
two corresponding weights of 25% and 3 0%, China won the largest province
status on Russian trade investment. Harbin is the capital city as an important
node in the city but also the eastern Lu Hai Silk Road Economic Belt, between
China and Russia is a major hub for goods, information, capital and customer
traffic, carrying 60% Chinese to Russia trade volume, Russia&39;s business
development potential then, in the fierce market competition environment, facing
the opportunity to win out of a characteristic development road is an important
issue that can not be ignored in domestic financial institutions in Russia in the
process of business development.
The headquarters is located in the city of Harbin HA bank as an example,
firstly, from the basic situation, organization structure, business process and
business advantages of four aspects to analyze the current status of HA Bank of
Russia&39;s financial business, the HA bank in Russia to the existence of many
problems in business development and the causes of the problems of serious
analysis secondly, combining with the current situation of financial cooperation
between China and Russia and the relevant state policies to expand the internal
and external impact on Russia&39;s financial business bank HA factors were
discussed, a clear business development opportunities and challenges. Finally,
through the early on border trade, cooperation and other aspects of research on
Russian literature, combining with studying M The relevant economic theory and哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文
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knowledge management during the period of BA to the study, combined with the
side responsible for Russian work colleagues to share management experience,
aiming at the existing problems of HA bank in the future to carry out the overall
idea of financial services in Russia, specific objectives put forward specific and
feasible countermeasures, hoping to provide some enlightenment for the
development of the the Russian financial business on the road.
Key words: Sino-Russian trade, border trade, financial business哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文
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目 录
第 1 章 绪论....... 1
1.1 问题的提出..........1
1.1.1 研究背景.......1
1.1.2 研究目的.......2
1.1.3 研究意义.......3
1.2 国内外研究现状.4
1.2.1 国外研究现状..........4
1.2.2 国内研究现状..........5
1.2.3 评述... 6
1.3 研究内容与研究思路.....7
1.3.1 研究内容.......7
1.3.2 研究思路.......8
第 2 章 HA 银行对俄金融业务现状及存在问题分析......10
2.1 HA 银行简介.....10
2.2 HA 银行开展对俄金融业务现状.......10
2.2.1 HA 银行对俄金融业务基本情况........... 11
2.2.2 HA 银行对俄金融业务组织结构........... 11
2.2.3 HA 银行对俄金融业务流程........12
2.2.4 HA 银行对俄金融业务优势........13
2.3 HA 银行对俄金融业务中存在的问题..........17
2.3.1 跨区域经营受限....17
2.3.2 境外金融服务水平有限...17
2.3.3 对俄金融产品种类缺乏多样性..18
2.3.4 跨境电商规模小市场占比低...... 18
2.4 HA 银行对俄金融业务中存在问题的原因. 18
2.4.1 境内布局不完善境外布局仍空白..........18
2.4.2 境外客户服务和市场拓展能力薄弱..... 19
2.4.3 金融创新力度有待加强...19哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文
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2.4.4 跨境电商起步较晚20
2.5 本章小结20
第 3 章 HA 银行拓展对俄金融业务影响因素.......21
3.1 有利因素22
3.1.1 外部有利因素