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市场上涌现了“CoCo 茶饮”、“快乐柠檬”、“莓超疯”等多个现调饮料连锁品

本文以市场开发策略理论、消费者购买决策理论、4Ps 营销理论以及加盟
连锁理论等为研究基础理论。综合运用 PEST 分析和 SWOT 分析方法,探索了
公司的自身优势和劣势,分析了 SS 连锁休闲茶饮公司外部环境。以 4Ps 营销
SS 连锁休闲茶饮公司营销策略

本文认为 SS 连锁休闲茶饮公司可以将主要资源应用到产品、价格、渠道、


关键词:连锁 休闲茶饮 市场开发 营销策略III
Street drinks in China has developed rapidly, and to join the chain form of rapid
expansion of the market. At present, the market has emerged CoCo tea, happy
lemon, fruit time and many other drinks chain brand, at the same time, there are
more and more brands to join the current beverage market competition. For casual tea
companies, the current market opportunities and challenges coexist. On the one hand
has a relatively broad consumer market, on the other hand, the entire industry is very
competitive, to the enterprise market development has brought great challenges.
Faced with fierce market competition, leisure tea business how to plan marketing
strategy has become an important issue.
This article takes the market development strategy theory, the consumer purchase
decision theory, the 4Ps marketing theory as well as the joining chain theory as the
research basic theory. Through the use of PEST analysis and SWOT analysis method,
this paper explores the advantages and disadvantages of the company, and analyzes
the external environment of SS chain tea company. Based on the 4Ps marketing theory,
the marketing strategy of SS chain tea company was developed based on the
development strategy theory, the consumer purchasing decision theory and the
franchise chain theory.
This article believes that SS chain leisure tea company can be the main resources
applied to products, prices, channels, promotions and so on. In terms of products, we
should make full use of the technical advantages of the headquarters, vigorously
innovation, highlight the characteristics of the product and the differences with
competitors, and to strictly control the quality of products, and strive to become the
market leader. In terms of price, although the price of leisure tea is usually not high,
consumers are less sensitive to the price of the product, but in order to enhance the
profitability of a single store, the company also need to optimize the product menu
design, product prices as much as possible optimization. In the channel, to establish a
franchise evaluation system, a clear franchise site selection, staff configuration,
investment scale and other requirements, unified franchise store decoration style,
unified staff training content, make full use of network marketing channels. In the
promotion, we should pay attention to the company&39;s product brand building, enrich
the company&39;s product brand connotation. Multi-directional advertising, enhance theIV
company&39;s product brand awareness. Rich sales terminal marketing. To ensure that the
scheduled marketing strategy can be effectively implemented, this paper also
proposed a series of marketing security measures, such as strengthening the
company&39;s internal management, improve the incentive mechanism, expand network
Through this study, hope to other chain of leisure tea companies to develop
marketing strategies to provide a reference, in general, leisure tea company should
increase efforts from the development of products, expand marketing channels,
increase brand promotion, Network and system construction.
Key words: chain leisure tea market development marketing strategyV
第 1 章 绪论....1
1.1 研究背景与意义........... 1
1.1.1 研究背景. 1
1.1.2 研究意义. 1
1.2 研究方法与结构........... 2
1.2.1 研究方法. 2
1.2.2 研究结构. 2
1.3 论文特色与创新点......... 3
第 2 章 理论基础与相关研究综述........5
2.1 市场开发策略理论......... 5
2.2 消费者购买决策理论....... 5
2.3 4Ps 营销理论 . 6
2.4 加盟连锁理论. 6
2.5 相关研究文献综述......... 8
2.5.1 市场营销方面......... 8
2.5.2 加盟连锁理论方面..... 9
2.5.3 饮品营销策略方面..... 9
2.6 小结........ 10
第 3 章 SS 公司市场环境分析...........11
3.1 外部环境 PEST 分析....... 11
3.1.1 政策环境分析........ 11
3.1.2 经济环境分析........ 12
3.1.3 社会环境分析........ 12
3.1.4 技术环境分析........ 13
3.2 市场竞争环境分析........ 14
3.2.1 主要竞争者.......... 15
3.2.2 主要替代品.......... 16VI
3.2.3 潜在进入者.......... 17
3.2.4 消费者方面.......... 18
3.2.5 供应商方面.......... 20
3.3 SS 公司的主要机会 ....... 20
3.3.1 休闲茶饮消费市场较大 21
3.3.2 可拓展争取的消费者多 22
3.3.3 休闲茶饮的接受度较广 22
3.4 SS 公司的主要威胁 ....... 23
3.4.1 消费群体有待扩展.... 23
3.4.2 利润空间大幅压缩.... 24
3.4.3 行业竞争非常激烈.... 25
3.4.4 产品健康易被质疑.... 26
3.4.5 促销效果不够明显.... 26
3.5 小结........ 27
第 4 章 SS 公司营销优势与困境分析28
4.1 SS 公司的主要优势 ....... 28
4.1.1 产品绿色健康........ 28
4.1.2 生产技术优势........ 29
4.1.3 拥有成熟市场........ 30
4.2 SS 公司的主要困境 ....... 30
4.2.1 品牌知名度还不够.... 30
4.2.2 宣传促销方式简单.... 31
4.2.3 产品创新难度较大.... 32
4.3 小结........ 32
第 5 章 SS 公司休闲茶饮泉州市场开发策略 .33
5.1 SS 公司