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各国纷纷把目光转移到新能源上来。有报告指出,太阳能是 2020 年前非洲最具前景的
能源解决方案。非洲作为 A 公司一个重要的海外新兴市场,对于如何提高市场份额,取
得竞争优势,一直在摸索。本文就是在这个背景下讨论 A 公司在非洲市场的营销组合策

通过对市场进行调查与分析,对 A 公司所在的非洲市场进行了外部环境分析和公司
内部环境分析,运用 SWOT 战略分析模型列出了 A 公司的优势、劣势、机会和威胁

通过对 A 公司在非洲市场的营销现状的叙述,结合对非洲市场的分析,找出公司营销策
略现存的问题。应用 STP 营销战略和 4P 营销组合策略模型提出 A 公司在非洲市场营销
积极参加当地公益活动,承担社会责任,树立企业的良好形象。文章最后指出 A 公司营
高顾客满意度,保障 A 公司的营销策略的实施

关键词 光伏产品 非洲市场 营销组合策略Abstract
As a global hot topic, energy problem has been widespread concern in all countries.
Photovoltaic industry is representative of the new energy industry, it has a clean, efficient
advantages. And it has important significance for the adjustment of energy structure,
environmental protection and ecological civilization construction. After the trough
development, Chinese PV enterprises are in the process of steady recovery in the past two
years. They are actively developing new markets, and the African markets has become the
new goal as there rich sunshine resources. As an important emerging market, it is in the initial
stage of urbanization and industrialization, the energy consumption became the great
challenges for local resource utilization, and more and more African countries have focused to
the new energy. As the Reports, solar energy is the most promising energy solution in Africa
before 2020. Africa as an important part of the emerging markets abroad, company A is
exploring to increase market share and improve the competitive advantages. This article is
under this background to analysis the marketing strategy of company A.
Under the background, this article studies company A’s marketing-mix strategy in
African.Through the market survey and analyzing company A’s outer environment and inter
conditions, there list company A’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats by using
SWOT analysis. Combine with company A’s marketing situation and the analisis of African
market, point out the existing problems in current marketing strategy. Apply STP and 4P
marketing strategy, proposed some suggestions about how to adjust the marketing strategy:
Enhance service, Implementing products differences strategy, strengthen brand image,
actively participate local social commonweal activities, assume more social responsibilities
and set up a good enterprise image. At last, the article point that company A’s marketing
strategy implementation guarantee mechanism: strengthening market survey; actively
encourage innovation and upgrading in science and technology;improve the management
system; improvedand customer satisfaction, implenmente the marketing strategy.
Keywords Photovoltaic products African market Marketing-mix strategyIII
目 录
第 1 章 绪论··1
1.1 选题背景及研究意义 ·1
1.1.1 选题背景··1
1.1.2 研究意义··3
1.2 国内外相关研究现状 ·3
1.2.1 有关国际市场营销组合策略的研究··3
1.2.2 有关光伏产品营销的研究··4
1.3 研究内容与研究方法 ·4
1.3.1 研究内容··4
1.3.2 研究方法··6
第 2 章 国际营销相关理论概述 8
2.1 国际市场环境分析··8
2.1.1 PEST 分析·8
2.1.2 竞争者分析9
2.2 国际市场 STP 营销战略 ·9
2.2.1 国际市场细分 10
2.2.2 国际目标市场评估和选择 10
2.2.3 国际市场定位 10
2.3 国际市场营销 4Ps 组合策略·11
第 3 章 保定 A 公司非洲市场营销环境分析13
3.1 保定 A 公司简介 · 13
3.2 非洲市场外部环境分析 ·· 13
3.2.1 宏观环境分析 13
3.2.2 非洲光伏行业和主要国家市场现状分析 ·· 16
3.2.3 主要竞争者分析 17
3.3 公司内部环境分析 ·· 19IV
3.3.1 产品分析 19
3.3.2 财务状况分析 21
3.3.3 组织结构和人力资源分析 22
3.3.4 技术能力分析 23
3.3.5 企业文化分析··