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这将导致商业银行电子银行业务难以统筹发展。通过对研究主体 Z 银行微信银行的深入
研究,借助 SWOT 分析法详细探寻了 Z 银行微信银行业务发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑

本文通过研究分析 Z 银行微信银行发展过程中的问题,寻找解决问题的具体策略,

关键词:Z 银行 微信 SWOT 策略IV
Alipay is the representative of the Internet financial products, which has a great impact o
n the development of the retail business of commercial banks in China. Once upon a time, ban
ks rely mainly on the physical channel service operating mode of the mobile Internet era has b
een difficult to meet customer demand for a higher level. In view of this situation, the commer
cial banks have formulated the e-banking development strategy to meet the development requi
rements of Internet banking. However, after years of development, commercial banks have m
any problems in E-banking, such as customers, services and products, which are always diffic
ult to occupy a dominant position. With the launch of WeChat, the banks keen to capture the
mobile banking business, the timely introduction of the WeChat platform based on WeChat ba
nk services, to further expand the coverage of electronic banking, extending the channels of b
anking services, has been widely recognized by the market.
This paper mainly expounds the background, reasons, advantages and disadvantages of t
he WeChat bank in China by means of literature research and case analysis, and tries to find th
e main reasons for restricting the development of WeChat bank. The rise of WeChat bank mai
nly benefited from the rapid expansion of the scale of WeChat users and customer demand for
mobile financial services continue to improve, the WeChat bank has the advantage of conveni
ent, efficient, low opportunity cost for customers, the banks can significantly reduce the prope
rty, personnel, financial and other costs, can extend the service chain, there can be more effici
ent the channels for customers and service channels. But restricted by bank customers to use
WeChat equipment, network, experience, and WeChat can provide the services is relatively w
eak, the lack of payment, trading, investment banking and other strong application scenarios,
while WeChat bank business development subject to WeChat itself, which will lead to comme
rcial banks to co-ordinate the development of electronic banking business. Through in-depth s
tudy of the research subject Z bank WeChat bank, using SWOT analysis method to explore in
detail the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges in the development of
WeChat bank business of Z bank, and this paper puts forward the corresponding strategies, inc
luding product layout strategy, product development strategy, marketing strategy and customeV
r maintenance strategy, risk prevention strategies, dispute processing strategies.
This paper studies and Through the analysis of the problems in the development process
of WeChat bank of Z bank, this paper is looking for specific solutions to solve the problem, h
oping to provide a reference route for other commercial banks to develop WeChat bank.
Key Words: Z Bank WeChat SWOTVI
摘要...... III
Abstract..... IV
1 绪论....... 1
1.1 研究背景与意义....... 1
1.1.1 研究背景........... 1
1.1.2 研究意义........... 2
1.2 研究内容与方法....... 2
1.2.1 研究内容........... 2
1.2.2 研究方法........... 3
1.3 国内外研究现状....... 3
1.4 本文研究思路与创新点. 5
1.4.1 研究思路........... 5
1.4.2 本文创新点......... 5
2 我国微信银行发展概况... 7
2.1 微信银行的定义及兴起的背景....... 7
2.1.1 微信银行的定义..... 7
2.1.2 微信银行兴起的背景. 7
2.2 微信银行的业务优势分析.......... 10
2.2.1 微信银行有助于银行降低经营成本,提高服务效率.......... 10
2.2.2 微信所具备的社交属性和分享属性有助于银行拓展客户...... 10
2.2.3 微信银行服务便捷、高效、费用低廉.......... 11
2.3 我国微信银行的发展现状.......... 12
2.3.1 市场推广率高...... 12
2.3.2 功能日渐丰富,模式不断创新.... 13
2.4 微信银行未来发展趋势 13
3 Z 银行微信银行业务概述15
3.1 Z 银行发展微信银行业务的必要性 .. 15
3.1.1 Z 银行网点营业压力大,亟需业务分流渠道 .... 15VII
3.1.2 盈利能力降低,经营成本居高不下的局面需要扭转.......... 16
3.1.3 Z 银行面临营业网点重新布局的压力 .......... 17
3.1.4 客户消费习惯发生巨大改变...... 18
3.2 Z 银行发展微信银行业务的可行性 .. 19
3.3 Z 银行微信银行业务概况 .......... 20
4Z 银行微信银行的 SWOT 分析 ........... 23
4.1 Z 银行微信银行的优势23
4.1.1 自助服务便捷实用.. 23
4.1.2 应答服务快速智能.. 23
4.1.3 人工服务及时高效.. 23
4.1.4 无需单独安装客户端 23
4.2 Z 银行微信银行的劣势23
4.2.1 需要智能设备和移动互联网支持.. 23
4.2.2 高价值“银发”客户使用率低.... 24
4.2.3 查询咨询功能为主,交易支付功能弱.......... 25
4.2.4 业务发展受制于微信本身........ 25
4.3 Z 银行微信银行的机遇25
4.3.1 移动互联网发展迅猛 25
4.3.2 微信用户规模快速增长.......... 26
4.3.3 用户行为习惯改变.. 26
4.3.4 微信拥有年轻的用户结构