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理薪酬制度对国有商业银行的重要性,以 S 银行 N 分行为样本,在系统的理论
行客户经理薪酬制度的概念框架。进而采用案例分析的方法,分析了 S 银行 N
分行薪酬制度产生发展的历程,阐述了 S 银行 N 分行目前的薪酬制度现状以及
运行中存在的问题与原因,进而针对 S 银行 N 分行未来发展的目标,结合 S 银
行 N 分行的发展战略,从客户经理的角度,提出了客户经理薪酬制度优化方案

The Optimization Research On The Compensation System Of The State-
owned Commercial Bank Client Manager
——Based On The Case Analysis Of S Bank N Branch
Salary management is a core content of enterprise human resources management, scientific
salary system to attract and re tain talents has great effect, and therefore become an important
weapon of the talents of the big banks. At present, the competition of banks is becoming more and
more serious, and the products of the banks are beco ming more and more serious. The focus of
competition among banks has expa nded from the com petition of financial products to the
competition of financial services. As the entity of the financial services, the account manager bears
the important role of connecting the customer resources and the bank. How to effectively carry on
the salary incentive to the account manager is a subject which has the actual research significance.
In view of the im portance of state-owned commerc ial bank client m anager salary system of the
state-owned commercial banks, S bank N branch as the sam ple, based on theoretical research and
literature review system, combining the ac tual situation of our country&39; s salary system , and
constructs the conceptual framework of the s tate-owned commercial bank client manager salary
system. By using the m ethod of case analysis, analyzes the development course of S bank N
branch salary system, expounds the existing problems and the reasons of the sa lary system of S
bank N branch&39;s current situation and operation, and thus for the future development of S bank N
branch, combined with the development strategy of S bank N branch, from the client manager&39;s
point of view, put forw ard the m anager&39;s salary system optimization scheme and safeguard
measures, in order to provide a reference for t he state-owned commercial bank client m anager
compensation system.
Key Words:State-owned commercial Bank; Client Manager; Compensation SystemIII
目 录
1 引言....1
1.1 研究的背景与意义....1
1.1.1 研究的背景......1
1.1.2 研究的意义......2
1.2 研究的目标与思路....3
1.2.1 研究的目标......3
1.2.2 研究的思路......3
1.3 研究的内容与方法....4
1.3.1 研究的内容......4
1.3.2 研究的方法......5
1.4 研究的创新与不足....5
1.4.1 研究的难点与创新.....5
1.4.2 研究的不足与展望.....5
2 商业银行薪酬制度研究的文献述评.........6
2.1 国外商业银行薪酬制度研究...........6
2.2 国内商业银行薪酬制度研究...........7
2.3 国内外薪酬制度研究的启示...........8
3 国有商业银行客户经理薪酬制度的概念框架构建......10
3.1 国有商业银行薪酬制度的内涵与影响因素........10
3.1.1 国有商业银行薪酬制度的概念内涵.........10
3.1.2 国有商业银行薪酬制度的影响因素..........11
3.2 国有商业银行客户经理及其薪酬制度分析 ....13
3.2.1 国有商业银行客户经理的分类、职能与特殊性.13
3.2.2 国有商业银行客户经理薪酬制度的界定与意义.14
3.2.3 国有商业银行客户经理薪酬制度的分类及功能.14
3.2.4 国有商业银行客户经理薪酬制度决定因素分析.15IV
3.3 国有商业银行客户经理薪酬制度的演化历程与现状问题.......15
3.3.1 国有商业银行客户经理薪酬制度的演化历程与现实状况......... 15
3.3.2 国有商业银行客户经理薪酬制度存在问题..........16
3.3.3 国有商业银行客户经理薪酬制度的改革与创新的迫切性......... 17
3.4 国外商业银行客户经理薪酬制度演化及其经验与趋势...........18
3.4.1 国外商业银行客户经理薪酬制度的演化历程.....18
3.4.2 国外商业银行客户经理薪酬制度演化的经验.....19
3.4.3 国外商业银行客户经理薪酬制度演化的趋势.....19
4 S 银行 N 分行客户经理薪酬制度案例分析........21
4.1 S 银行N 分行客户经理薪酬制度的现状.21
4.1.1 S 银行N 分行的发展历程与现状...21
4.1.2 S 银行N 分行薪酬制度的现状.......21
4.1.3 S 银行N 分行客户经理薪酬制度的现状..22
4.2 S 银行N 分行客户经理薪酬制度效果调查.........23
4.2.1 问卷设计........23
4.2.2 问卷调查与回收.......23
4.2.3 问卷调查样本分布分析.......23
4.2.4 调查问卷的结果分析...........24
4.3 S 银行N 分行客户经理薪酬制度的优势与问题.27
4.3.1 S 银行N 分行客户经理薪酬制度的优势..27
4.3.2 S 银行N 分行客户经理薪酬制度的问题与原因..27
5 S 银行N 分行客户经理薪酬制度优化方案........31
5.1 S 银行N 分行客户经理薪酬制度优化的目标、原则和思路....31
5.1.1 S 银行N 分行客户经理薪酬制度的目标..31
5.1.2 S 银行N 分行客户经理薪酬制度的原则..31