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A 企业的前身隶属于世界 500 强的翠丰集团,1996 年进入中国,发展势
主要从事装饰建材零售和家庭装修装潢业务。从 2008 年开始,由于市场的变
损。从 2009 年-2013 年,A 企业藉由母公司的资金支持,尝试了许多扭亏为
盈的战略方法,比如“T”店计划、Vivid Homes、装修业务整合等,但结果
都不理想。2013 年 8 月,公司高层在没有经过广泛讨论的情况下,强行颁布
受影响。2014 年底,在持续多年的亏损后,母公司将中国业务 70%的股份出

心的薪酬制度,尤其是新的奖金制度体系,成为了企业目前亟待解决的问题。A 企业薪酬制度优化设计针对 A 企业薪酬制度存在的问题,在充分考虑公司发展战略要求和实际情况
的前提下,运用薪酬相关理论,从组织架构、岗位分析和评价入手,对 A 企


关键词:A 企业 薪酬制度 优化设计AbstractAbstract
As the economy of our country comes to the “New Normal” period recent
years, thousands of companies seek the way of transformation. During the
development strategy adjustment of a company, the human resources have become
a key issue for the survival and development of a company. Compensation
management system has played a very important role on how to attract, retain and
inspire employees. Consequently, designing and building up a compensation
system that allows the company to implement practical and scientific
compensation standards would be of paramount importance to manager talents and
improve operating efficiency.
An enterprise formerly belonged to the world&39;s top 500 Kingfisher Groups
and entered China in 1996. At the first ten years, its business situation was very
good。In the year of 2006, the total number of its chain stores mainly setting in the
big provincial capital cities was more than 60.The primary business of A enterprise
is retail of decoration building material and home decoration business. However,
from the year of 2008,due to the more intensive competition of the market and
company strategic mistakes, A enterprise operated at a loss in the following years.
From 2009 -2013, with the financial support from the parent company,A enterprise
tried a lot of turnaround strategy , such as T shop plan, Vivid Homes, decoration
business integration, all the effort was with no useness. In August 2013, a new
bonus plan concerned every employee was announced suddenly in the absence of
extensive discussion. This new bonus plan disguised to reduce the income of
employees, especially from the decoration center , which led to a month long strike
nationwide,.As a result of the strike ,the sales fell sharply. At the end of 2014, 70%
share of A enterprise was sold to a well-known domestic retail enterprise because
of years of losses .
Under the new situation, the new owner is executing a new developmentOptimal design of compensation system in A enterprisestrategy, which is “to embrace the Internet and do multi-business”. An internal
reform involving organizational structure remodeling、operating department、
finance、marketing、human resource and other functions has begun from the
headquarters to every local store. The defect of the existing compensation system
emerges against the backdrop of the ongoing reform and transformation. The
single compensation system, unclear grade, unattractive bonus plan and lack of
fairness, result in the loss of a large number of employees, seriously affected the
enterprise transformation and development. Then, how to design and build up a
remuneration system that allows the company to implement practical and scientific
compensation standards ,especially new bonus system, has become the current
problem to be solved urgently.
The thesis begins with basic compensation management theories and then
develops its arguments by elaborating the concepts of compensation、compensation
management and compensation structure, then describes in details about the basic
principle of bonus plan design and the different choices of bonus mode. All these
things be done aims to lay the theoretical foundation for the optimization design of
A enterprise&39;s compensation system. Then the thesis follows the analysis of the
current situation of the A enterprise of Chengdu company, including organizational
structure, personnel and the existing compensation system, and summarizes the
problems existing in the enterprise compensation system. The thesis ,which allows
for A enterprise’s strategy development needs and actual status, aims to optimize
its compensation system and provide a differentiated compensation
structure ,especially new bonus system to different employees by restructuring the
organizational structure, ananlyzing and evaluating job posts. In the end, it
assesses the implementation and effects of the new compensation system.
Through the research of compensation system, the thesis aims to explore the
practical and development requirements of the compensation system of retail of
decoration building material industry and home decoration
company .Meanwhile ,it may help standardize the compensation system for
domestic enterprises of similar pattern.
Keywords: A enterprise; Compensation system; Optimal design目 录目 录
1 绪论.......... 1
1.1 选题背景........ 1
1.2 研究目的及意义........ 3
1.3 研究内容及方法........ 4
1.3.1 研究内容 . 4
1.3.2 研究方法 . 4
1.4 本文的主要贡献........ 4
2 薪酬相关理论基础.......... 6
2.1 薪酬 .... 6
2.1.1 薪酬的概念及构成 .......... 6
2.1.2 薪酬的功能 .......... 8
2.2 薪酬管理...... 10
2.3 薪酬结构 ...... 10
2.4 奖金制度 ...... 12
2.4.1 奖金的分类 ........ 12
2.4.2 奖金设计的基本原理 .... 12
2.4.3 奖金模式的选择方法 .... 20
3 A 企业薪酬制度现状及存在的问题分析 ......... 24
3.1 A 企业成都公司概况........... 24
3.2 A 企业成都公司人员构成情况分析........... 25
3.3 公司薪酬制度现状.......