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随着我国房地产市场近 20 年的蓬勃发展,旅游地产作为一种新兴的产业模式,在
企业赖以生存的环境充满复杂性与不确定性,生存空间受到极大挑战。MJ 房地产开发
有限公司(以下简称 MJ 地产)现行的企业战略面临诸多不足,主营业务面临困境,副
式下的共有产权旅游地产给 MJ 地产带来的转型思考,进一步分析转型战略在 MJ 地产

以及 MJ 地产的基本情况,并提出 MJ 地产目前在企业发展与项目运营中面临的困难与
挑战。案例分析重点对 MJ 地产当前市场变化与竞争激烈的环境下,通过分析 MJ 地产
二次转型战略,综合研究 MJ 地产进入“共有产权”旅游地产市场的战略目标,并结合
外,借助“六力竞争分析模型”评价其市场竞争能力,综合评估 MJ 地产在旅游地产市

本文深入分析 MJ 地产转型战略的实施步骤,探讨及寻求企业在转型过程中面临问

关键字:MJ 地产,房地产,旅游地产,共有产权,战略转型暨南大学 MBA 学位论文:MJ 房地产开发有限公司——基于“共有产权”模式的转型战略研究
With the vigorous development of China&39;s real estate market for nearly 20 years, tourism
real estate, as a new industrial model, also ushered in a wave of large-scale construction trend
in the rapid development of the real estate industry that the tourism city and the surrounding
areas have become fertile tourism project field that the developers wrestled for developing.
However, with the rapid development of new business model, the traditional real estate
business environment is full of complexity and uncertainty and its living space has been
greatly challenged because of the cross-border of competitive market, the gradual confusion
of business boundary, tourism real estate products and consumer expectations of the single
change. MJ Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as MJ real estate)
meets with many deficiencies in the current business strategy, the difficulties of the main
business, sideline dispersed and integration, the insufficiency of core competitiveness on the
main and sideline. This paper do a research on the transformation thinking of MJ real estate,
which is based on the common economy mode, to further analyzes the opportunities and
challenges faced by the transformation strategy in MJ real estate. This article consists of two
parts, which is case text and case analysis.
The main body of the case mainly introduces the current situation of domestic tourism
real estate and the basic situation of MJ real estate, and puts forward the difficulties and
challenges currently faced by MJ real estate in enterprise development and project operation.
Case study focuses on the in-depth analysis of the enterprise&39;s internal and external relations
and capabilities under the circumstance of the MJ real estate market changes and competitive
environment, through the analysis of MJ real estate secondary transformation strategy and a
comprehensive study of MJ real estate into the common property rights tourism real estate
market strategic objectives, which is combined with strategic management theory and
business research. Giving on this basis, the paper firstly analyzes the current macro
environment of tourism real estate through the PEST analysis model. In addition, with the
six force competition analysis model, it evaluated its market competitiveness and a
comprehensive assessment of MJ real estate in the tourism real estate market facing the
competitive situation. Afterwards, it deeply analyzed how the enterprises went out of the Red
Ocean to open up the Blue Ocean” through the Blue Ocean strategic action model.
Finally, it aims to formulate the transformation strategy, emphasizing on the market selection,
business model, product integration, and personnel optimization to improve the proposal, to
ensure that the transition strategy can be effectively implemented.
This paper analyzes the implementation steps of MJ real estate transformation strategy,
discusses and seeks an effective solution to the problems faced by enterprises in the process of
transformation, and systematically expounds the development significance of the
development of blue sea market to enterprises, which aims at probing the enterprise strategic
planning while updating the internal management and control level, creating a competitive
business model, and achieving long-term stable development and sustainable business vision.
Keywords: MJ Real Estate company, Real Estate, Tourism Real Estate, Common
Property Right, Strategic Transformation暨南大学 MBA 学位论文:MJ 房地产开发有限公司——基于“共有产权”模式的转型战略研究
目 录
中文摘要 ... I
ABSTRACT........... II
图表目录.. VI
第一部分 案例正文...... 7
引言.... 7
基于“共有产权”模式的旅游地产市场现状...... 8
旅游地产市场整体状况 ....8
未来旅游地产的发展趋势 .11
“共有产权”模式旅游地产在国内的发展现状 .......12
MJ 地产简介 ....... 13
MJ 地产基本情况 ........13
MJ 地产发展历程 ........13
MJ 地产面临的困难 . 14
主营业务单一,抵抗风险能力不足 .....15
公司发展缓慢,人才开发程度不足 .....15
管理手段陈旧,缺少成熟运营手段 .....16
第二部分 案例分析..... 17
1 绪论. 17
1.1 选题意义 ...........17
1.2 研究方法 ...........17
1.3 研究框架 ...........18
1.4 MJ 地产战略综述 ....19
1.4.1 企业当前战略 .......... 19
1.4.2 企业未来经营规划 ...... 20
2 国内外相关研究... 22暨南大学 MBA 学位论文:MJ 房地产开发有限公司——基于“共有产权”模式的转型战略研究
2.1 共有产权理论与经验综述 .........22
2.2 企业战略转型理论框架 ...........23
2.2.1 国外研究现状 .......... 25
2.2.2 国内研究现状 .......... 26
2.3 PEST 分析模型 ......27
2.4 安德鲁·格鲁夫竞争战略理论 .....29
2.5 蓝海战略行动理论 ...31
3 MJ 地产转型战略分析 ......... 34
3.1 PEST 宏观环境分析 ..34
3.1.1 政治环境 .. 34
3.1.2 经济环境 .. 36
3.1.3 社会文化环境 .......... 36
3.1.4 技术环境