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Study on the International Development Strategy of X Seed
Technology Co., Ltd.
Globalization has brought about change is amazing, with elements of traditional
economic investments, but this pattern has changed, in the future a longer period of time,
the enterprise wants to obtain the considerable development, there must be economic
integration patterns. At present, many domestic enterprises have made changes, through the
transformation of ideas to seek innovation, in this new way to meet new challenges. The
new pattern of global integration will bring about a new development for enterprises, and
eventually the changes of enterprises will gradually cater to the international market.
Enterprises should objectively understand this change, whether in daily production
activities or in other activities, should be fleXible to play all kinds of roles, can gradually
adapt to changes in the international economy. So at present, no matter what industry, we
need to adapt to this change and formulate scientific development strategy. X Seed
Technology Co., Ltd., although not a pillar industry in the local, but from the current
development point of view, has a larger market space for development. If you can not
move steadily into the international market, it is impossible to achieve greater profit
margins in the future.
This shows that the internationalization of X Seed Technology Co., Ltd. can not be
avoided. This article from the X Seed Technology Co. Ltd. the eXternal environment and
internal environment aspects analyzes the internationalization strategy of the status quo,
analyzes on the current development of X seeds and face the problems which are eXist in
the X Seed Technology Co. Ltd. to enter the international market the opportunity and need
to face threats, it pointed out the direction for the development of the company the day
after, which relates to the development of the advantages and disadvantages of the same,
including all kinds of opportunities and challenges. After that, combining with the future
development of X Seed Technology Co., Ltd. is to further eXpand the strategic objectives
of internationalization, and lay a solid foundation for the scientific formulation of the

strategy. Internationalization strategy can not only effectively enhance the development
status of X seed, but also point out the direction for the realization of future strategy.

Key words: Agricultural enterprises ; Enterprise internationalization ;
Development strategy Seed Company