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Commercial real estate redefned How the nexus of technology advancements and consumer behavior will disrupt the industry1 Banking reimagined How disruptive forces will radically transform the industry in the decade ahead Deloitte Center for Financial Services Commercial real estate redefned How the nexus of technology advancements and consumer behavior will disrupt the industry2 Foreword1 Thriving in a disrupted world2 A new organizational paradigm: Agile, collaborative, and exposedFuture of brands: Need for digital savvy and a sharper focus on customer experienceThe new world of payments: Blockchained, direct, and seamlessFrictionless trading: Machine dominance and the search of relevanceEvolution of marketplace lending: Survival of the fttestEndnotes16 Contacts17 Contents Follow us at @DeloitteFinSvcs Share your tweets #FSIOutlook Banking reimagined How disruptive forces will radically transform the industry in the decade ahead Banking reimagined How disruptive forces will radically transform the industry in the decade ahead Dear colleagues, Our annual outlooks have historically focused on the top priorities for banking and capital markets executives in the coming year. We typically analyzed the trends impacting near-term prospects for business growth, innovation, and risk management. We also examined the implications of various developments for businesses such as payments and securities trading. In most of these analyses, regulatory issues loomed large, and they materially impacted the outcomes we predicted in the marketplace. We are happy to tell you that these reports were received very favorably by our clients, and we are proud of the success we have had over the last few years. But it is time for a change. We strongly felt that we needed to help our clients make sense of the multitude of disruptive forces at play. As you well know, many areas within banking and capital markets are experiencing serious existential threats. As the industry is being transformed, there is tremendous uncertainty around what the future of banking and capital markets will look like over the next decade.1 Beyond the rhetoric surrounding the topic of disruption in banking though, some very fundamental questions face the industry today: How will past innovations (such as marketplace lending or blockchain), and the breakthroughs likely to come in the future, transform banking What will the industry’s competitive structure look like over the next decade—will the incumbents be stronger/larger, or weaker/smaller And perhaps most importantly, what can banks do now to prepare for these future scenarios The main premise is, of course, that banking is going to look a lot different in 10 years time. Many traditional players now face the choice of either being disintermediated or proactively disrupting their own business models to thrive in the future. To help understand the effect of disruptions, we took it upon ourselves to reimagine the future of banking and capital markets in the next fve to 10 years. In this special report, we examine how various disruptive trends we are seeing today in areas such as artifcial intelligence and machine learning, blockchain technology, collaborative ecosystems, cryptocurrencies, demographics, and customer experience are coming together to infuence the future of banking. This report is based on the frst-hand experience and insights of many of Deloitte’s leading practitioners, supplemented by research, analysis, and some bold predictions from the Deloitte Center for Financial Services. We hope you fnd it insightful and thought-provoking as you contemplate your company’s strategic priorities for the coming years. Please share your feedback or questions with us. We would value the opportunity to discuss our fndings directly with you and your team. Kenny M. Smith Vice Chairman US Financial Services Industry Leader Deloitte LLP +1 415 783 6148 kesmith@deloitte James R. Eckenrode Executive Director Deloitte Center for Financial Services Deloitte Services LP +1 617 585 4877 jeckenrode@deloitte Foreword 1 。。。。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看