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银行 风险管理研究

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目 录
第 1 章 导论1
1.1 研究背景和意义1
1.1.1 研究背景2
1.1.2 研究的理论意义2
1.1.3 研究的实际意义3
1.2 信息科技风险管理相关概念和界定 3
1.2.1 信息科技风险相关定义3
1.2.2 商业银行信息科技风险的类别和特点 4
1.3 国内外信息科技风险研究综述5
1.3.1 国外信息科技风险的研究5
1.3.2 国内信息科技的研究和发展 6
1.4 研究内容与方法7
1.4.1 研究的主要内容7
1.4.2 研究的方法7
第 2 章 江西 RC 银行信息科技风险管理现状10
2.1 江西省 RC 银行信息科技风险管理基本情况 10
2.1.1 信息科技发展概况10
2.1.2 信息科技风险管理现状10
2.2 信息科技风险评估与识别13
2.2.1 风险管理识别的依据13
2.2.2 风险管理审计结果15
2.3 信息科技风险管理中存在的问题16
2.3.1 组织风险16
2.3.2 保障风险16
2.3.3 制度风险17
2.3.4 技术和信息安全风险17
2.3.5 业务连续性风险18
2.3.6 人员风险18
2.3.7 外部风险19
第 3 章 信息科技风险管理问题成因分析 21
3.1 信息科技风险管理的影响因素分析 21
3.1.1 商业银行传统管理等不良因素影响 21II
3.1.2 体系制度复杂且缺乏统一和规范的行业标准指导 21
3.1.3 体系实施受制于各种困难因素而难以推进 21
3.2 江西 RC 银行信息科技风险管理中存在的主要问题分析22
3.2.1 信息科技风险管控职能部门职责有待进一步明确落实 22
3.2.2 业务连续性和应急管理仍需不断完善 22
3.2.3 开发与运行维护控制需加强 22
3.2.4 信息安全管控需加强23
3.2.5 安全审计有待加强23
第 4 章 信息科技风险管理对策25
4.1 构建信息科技风险管理基础体系25
4.1.1 夯实基础设施管理水平25
4.1.2 提升信息安全管理能力26
4.1.3 加强业务连续性管理能力27
4.1.4 强化研发体系建设能力29
4.1.5 加强信息科技队伍建设30
4.2 构建信息科技风险管理审计体系30
4.2.1 建立外包管理体系30
4.2.2 加强风险审计水平31
4.2.3 提高风险审计管理意识32
第 5 章 信息科技风险管理保障体系建设 34
5.1 组织体系建设34
5.2 制度体系建设35
5.3 防范体系建设37
第 6 章 结论与展望39
6.1 研究结论39
6.2 展望 40
致 谢43III
Chapter 1 Introduction ........... 1
1.1 Research background and significanc...... 1
1.1.1 Research background ......... 2
1.1.2 Theoretical significance ..... 2
1.1.3 Practical significance ......... 3
1.2 Concepts and definitions.. 3
1.2.1 Definition of information technology risk . 3
1.2.2 Categories and characteristics of risk......... 4
1.3 Review of information technology at home and abroad.. 5
1.3.1 Study on the risk of information technology abroad.......... 5
1.3.2 Research and development of information technology...... 6
1.4 Research contents and methods ... 7
1.4.1 Main Research Contents .... 7
1.4.2 Research methods .. 8
Chapter 2 Information technology risk management status ......... 10
2.1 Basic situation of information technology risk management .... 10
2.1.1 Development of information technology . 10
2.1.2 Present situation of risk management ...... 10
2.2 Information technology risk assessment and identification....... 13
2.2.1 Recognition of risk management . 13
2.2.2 Risk management audit results .... 15
2.3 Problems in risk management.... 16
2.3.1 Organizational risk........... 16
2.3.2 Security risk ......... 16
2.3.3 Institutional risks.. 17
2.3.4 Technology and information security risk ........... 17
2.3.5 Business continuity risk ... 18
2.3.6 Personnel risk....... 19
2.3.7 External risk ......... 19
Chapter 3 Analysis of information technology risk management. 21
3.1 Influence of information technology risk managemen .. 21
3.1.1 Effect of the traditional management and factors21IV
3.1.2 Lack of standardized industry standards.. 21
3.1.3 Various factors ..... 21
3.2 Analysis of the main problems of risk management...... 22
3.2.1 Strengthen the functions of the departments........ 22
3.2.2 Improve continuity and contingency management .......... 22
3.2.3 Maintenance of development and operation ........ 22
3.2.4 Strengthen information security management ..... 23
3.2.5 Strengthen the security audit........ 23
Chapter 4 Information technology risk management countermeasures.. 25
4.1 Construction of risk management system .......... 25
4.1.1 Solid infrastructure management . 25
4.1.2 Enhance the ability of information security management ........... 26
4.1.3 Strengthen business continuity management ability........ 27
4.1.4 Strengthen the construction of the research system ......... 29
4.1.5 Strengthen the information technology team .... 29
4.2 Construction of risk management audit system . 30
4.2.1 Establishment of outsourcing management system ......... 30
4.2.2 Strengthen the level of risk audit . 31
4.2.3 Enhance the consciousness of risk management.. 32
Chapter 5 Information technology risk management security system..... 34
5.1 Organization system construction.......... 34
5.2 System construction ....... 35
5.3 Prevention system construction . 37
Chapter 6Conclusion and Prospect . 39
6.1research conclusion......... 39
6.2expectation .......... 40
Reference ........ 41
Acknowledgements .... 431
摘 要

江西 RC 银行作为全省网点最多、业务规模最大、客户资源最广的地方银行机

为基础,分析了金融行业发展态势,深入了解江西 RC 银行信息科技风险管理面临
了信息科技风险管理的全面特征,充分调研了江西 RC 银行现行的管理实践,分析
建设的构想,从而有效达成江西 RC 银行有效落实风险防范的目标

款、国内外先进银行的管理实践作为依据,能够成为江西 RC 银行提升信息科技管

With the rapid development of information technology, the rapid development of
commercial banking. It is necessary for the bank to gain the competitive advantage in
the application of the information technology, and the core of the competition in the
industry is the integration of the scale of the information technology and the information
technology. Information technology to support commercial banks to enhance the core
values and business innovation at the same time, gradually exposed the potential of
information technology security risks. The lack of risk management of information
technology will directly affect the business continuity of commercial banks, and hinder
the sustainable development of the banking business. Bank information technology risk
caused by interruption of business, the risk of an event in recent years are frequently
reported in the newspapers, resulting in a very bad social influence, serious damage to
the commercial bank39;s credit, resulting in huge economic losses. Information
technology risk management of commercial bank bad is prevalent in the industry
security risks, risk management is becoming more and more serious, seriously
restricting the pace of commercial banks to carry out business innovation and hindered
the rapid occupation of the market, and even affect the basic business bank to survive.
So research information technology risk status. Analysis commercial bank information
technology risk causes, proposed risk response strategy and constructing information
technology risk management guarantee system, guarantee continuous and efficient
operation of the information system, the effective implementation of the various
measures is to safeguard the bank based business, quality and efficiency of the catalyst.
Jiangxi RC bank as the province39;s largest network, the largest business, customer
resources, the most extensive local banking institutions, information technology risk
management determines the continuity of its business development. Lack of risk
management may lead to financial risks, cause regional economic shock, affecting
people39;s livelihood and stable, bank for many years of accumulated reputation will be
destroyed. Therefore, the study of bank information technology risk management, has
important practical significance.
Based on the history and current situation of the industry, this paper studies the
concept and the argument of the risk management in the banking industry, and
comprehensively summarizes the concept, culture, system and strategy of information
technology risk. In Jiangxi regional economic characteristics as the basis, analyzes the3
development trend of financial industry, in-depth understanding of Jiangxi RC bank
information technology risk management is facing opportunities and opportunities,
explore the current mode of information technology and put forward the solution. The
comprehensive overview of the information technology risk management of the overall
characteristics and full investigation of the RC Bank of Jiangxi current management
practice and analysis features of organizational structure, system, research and
development, mode of operation and maintenance, technical audit, information security
management strategy, measures, research and development system building, human
resources and social security, infrastructure construction aspects of business continuity
measures to cope with the risks that to construct the information technology risk
management organization system construction, defense system construction and the
system construction, so as to effectively reach Jiangxi RC bank effective
implementation of risk prevention goals.
With the help of the international standard of information technology risk, to
domestic regulatory guidance documents as a guide, by identifying auditing problem
proposed coping strategies, building covering the organization system and prevention
system and the system39;s security architecture. With the construction of information
technology risk management system as the ultimate goal, analysis of the status quo, put
forward effective risk control measures, planning the construction of the future risk
protection system. The research methods, ideas and measures of this paper have
universal applicability. In this paper the construction of architecture and security
building is to the management practice of regulatory authorities of the terms of the
guidelines, the domestic and foreign advanced banks as the basis, to become Jiangxi RC
bank to enhance the information technology management level, improve the
information technology risk prevention structure, established the research ideas and
methods of business continuity system.
Key words: Commercial bank; information technology; risk management第 1 章 导论第 1 章 导论
1.1 研究背景和意义