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◇1关于 ST.JOHN About ST.JOHN ◇2创意思路 Creation Origin ◇3流程规划 Event Plan ◇4设计展示 Related Design ◇5推荐参考 Recommendations Content 关于 ST.JOHN About ST.JOHN 一 Marie Gray ST.JOHN的创始人 一个音乐的苦涩恋人 拥有唱红歌剧院的天籁之音 却惨遭失声 Marie Gray, the founder of ST.JOHN, and a bitter lover with music, had the sounds of nature but loss of the voice ST.JOHN的传说 The Story about ST.JOHN 关于ST.JOHN的一切 就像Marie Gray在用灵感完成一个新乐章 这次高歌 一“唱”就是45年 Marie Gray gave birth to elegant ST.JOHN, as composing new melody with the inspiration, which lasts 45 year long! ST.JOHN的美 知性冷静 简约尊贵 由内而外散发着 摄人的皇族气质 让现场所有来宾 为ST.JOHN的 品位与地位 折服 …… Let all the guests overwhelmed by the taste and status of ST.JOHN… ST.JOHN的气质 Quality of ST.JOHN The beauty behind ST.JOHN Intellectuality Calmness Plain Dignity Smelt attractive royalty and nobility 我们需要打造的品位…… Taste building 尊荣、华美、风范 彰显ST.JOHN非凡气质 Dignity, Spectatorial, Showing remarkable quality of ST.JOHN 创意思路 Creation Origin 二 又一处ST.JOHN新店盛开 如何让那一瞬间 美得像个梦的开始? Another magnificent store for ST.JOHN will be in full flowering. How to make the moment as beauty as the birth of dream 相约ST.JOHN45周年庆典 将品位和地位 发挥到极至的盛会 Let’s make an appointment at ST.JOHN’ 45th Anniversary Celebration and share the occasion fully bringing the taste and status into play 领袖 Leader ST.JOHN客户的皇族气质 Imperial Quality Hillary Clinton The wife of former president Bill Clinton Laura Bush The wife of president Bush Yang Lan Famous emcee President in China Sun Media Hu Yinmeng Well-known actress Author, translator ST.JOHN’ LOVERS ST.JOHN的女人 头上都有顶隐形皇冠 ———— ST.JOHN’ women, with invisible crown on their heads —— 聪慧 Intelligent 名誉 Reputation 地位 Status 品位不凡 High-taste Opera Atmosphere Masked waltz Search super dignity Tailor-made for ST.JOHN ST.JOHN’ Queen coronation Godiva—Rolls-Royce in Chocolates 名流捧场 Celebrity Presence 顶级会所 Top Venue Super hotel 优雅品位 Elegant Taste Super women & Model 贵族享受 Noble Reception 歌剧院氛围 Opera Atmosphere ST. JOHN 的经典华贵 Immersed in the classic and luxury ST.JOHN 核心主线 Core Concept 重温 Marie Gray的豆蔻年华 Relive the best year of Marie Gray 陶醉 梦的开始 All like the birth of dream 极度重撼 一切就像 Overwhelmed by ST.JOHN… 。。。。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看