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IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS & EFFICIENCY OF MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIESA REPORT ON LUXURY AND FAST FASHION’S MOST VALUABLE INFLUENCERS CHINA LUXURY, BEAUTY INSIGHTS – Q3 2016 and FASHION IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS & EFFICIENCY OF MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIEShis report looks at more than 400 KOL’s in China, for the first time, in a highly quantitative way using deep analysis of Mentions, Likes, Reposts, Sentiment and Engagements. It doesn’t rely on hearsay and rumor – it relies on data. Bomoda and R3 are collaborating in China to give transparency to the world of Social and E-Commerce. While this is a new partnership, our collective management teams have years of history in the Middle Kingdom. Our goal is simple – improved insights will lead to better business decisions and results. To produce this report, we didn’t rely on prior wisdom or a consumer survey – we spent countless hours analyzing several thousand Key Opinion Leaders (“KOLs”) talking about or being discussed in tandem with 25 of China’s leading luxury, fashion and beauty brands. This painstaking analysis looked at mentions, reports, likes, reads, sentiment, purchase intent and total engagement - to form an overall picture of the strongest brands and the strongest opinion leaders. We hope you enjoy the first of our regular reports. IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS & EFFICIENCY OF MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIESAs keen observers of the Chinese social media marketplace and China’s luxury and fast fashion industries, Bomoda has viewed and participated in the evolving and dynamic interplay between the two. There has been much discussion of late in the market’s more competitive current state regarding the efficacy of KOLs. Naysayers claim that KOLs are overhyped and overpaid, merely attracting eyeballs and not sales. While we agree that there is some validity to this position, we also believe KOLs are, and will continue to be, an integral component to the Chinese consumer journey. Many KOLs are indeed inefficient, but this is more a matter of misaligned and mismanaged expectations than a lack of relevance. For every one celebrity who commands large sums to promote a brand’s products but fails to generate the expected results, there is an unheralded and unpaid fashion blogger generating the necessary engagement and positive sentiment to affect sales. In the attached analysis we seek to unlock for the month of July 2016 who exactly were the most valuable content creators and celebrities leveraged by or captured wearing the 25 representative brands in our report. Here, we sought to bring to the study more than the typically cited popularity and engagement metrics. Instead, while incorporating popularity and engagement as signs of impact, we also layered in the quality of the engagement, the feelings it elicited in a blogger or celebrities’ followers, and whether the content motivated the consumer to look to buy the brand or product associated with the content. Each day, Bomoda churns through and analyzes 4 million public accounts on WeChat. We follow nearly 60,000 Weibo accounts deemed influential based on size and engagement of the account’s following, as well as listen to mentions of those 60,000 accounts by all other Weibo accounts. The daily outcomes of the exercises we undertake for our clients include the private creation of a series of metrics tied to popularity, engagement, authenticity, sentiment and purchase intent. Shorthand analysis such as this public report is imperfect and does not reflect the deeper insights we generate for our clients. For instance, we do not correlate social media activity to the purchase data we capture on Alibaba and Jingdong. And, KOL impact fluctuates markedly month-to-month. However we hope you find it valuable in your endeavors. DETAILED APPROACH 。。。。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看