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摘 要
2000 年后,我国高等教育改革随着经济的飞速发展不断深化,机遇与挑战并存


本文采用文献分析法、案例分析法、理论分析法等研究方法,以 F 独立学院为研
究对象,以 F 独立学院现有教学质量内部控制现状为载体,在内部控制、问责制、质
量管理等理论的基础上,从风险评估、提高质量的角度,研究并优化了 F 独立学院教
路等内容;第二部分是理论基础与文献综述;第三部分介绍 F 独立学院的基本情况;

通过研究,优化后的教学质量内部控制体系与 F 学院的战略目标保持一致,能够
较好地运用于 F 学院内部控制实践中的操作,有利于独立学院提高教学资源使用效率、

关键词:内部控制 问责制 质量管理 教学质量评价 优化II
With the development of our country socialist market economy and the deepening
reform of higher education system, colleges and universities in China is faced with good
development opportunity at the same time, also faces serious challenges. In colleges and
universities under the background of enrollment expansion and diversified financing
channels, independent college imperfect internal control system will directly affect the
normal order of teaching, scientific research in colleges and universities and the daily work,
in order to trigger a series of problems, has caused extensive concern of the educational
circles. Therefore, establish a sound internal control system of independent college
teaching quality, to improve the teaching quality and realize the development goals of
colleges and universities is of great significance.
The paperuses literature analysis method, case analysis method , theory analysis
method, f. independent college as the research object, by the F status of independent
college teaching quality of existing internal control as the carrier, in the internal control,
accountability, quality management, on the basis of theory, from the perspective of risk
assessment, improve quality, to study and optimize the F independent college teaching
quality internal control system, in order to realize the quality of the school, the school
features high school educational goals. In this paper, a total of six parts. the first part
introduces the background of research, purpose and significance, the domestic and foreign
literature review about internal control, and introduces the research content, method and
train of thought; The second part expounds the theory of internal control and quality
management theory, this paper briefly introduces the application of accountability; The
third part elaborates the relationship and adaptability of teaching quality management and
internal control problems, introduces the basic situation of independent college F and the
status of the teaching quality of internal control, and the present problems on the reason
diagnosis; The fourth part to the accountability as guidance idea, put forward to optimize
the internal control is proposed. The fifth part is the focus of this article, a new model for
process framework design, put forward the teaching work, teaching information, teaching
evaluation, teaching supervision, guarantee the key control points and the specific
optimization scheme, the sixth part concludes the article, summarizes the results of this
This paper optimized the teaching quality of the internal control system consistent
with the F strategic goals of the college, the article expounds in details the can well serve FIII
college in operation in the internal control practice, is advantageous to the independent
college to improve efficiency of resource use, save cost and reduce the operation risk. For
other internal control construction work of the independent college has good reference
Key words: internal control; accountabilitysystem;quality management;evaluation of
instructional quality;optimizationIV
目 录
Abstract ........... II
1 绪论 ... 1
1.1 研究背景 .... 1
1.2 研究意义 .... 2
1.3 研究内容 .... 3
1.4 研究方法 .... 3
1.4.1 文献分析法 ....... 3
1.4.2 理论分析法 ....... 3
1.4.3 案例分析法 ....... 3
1.5 研究思路 ..... 3
1.6 本文创新点 . 5
2 理论基础与文献综述........... 7
2.1 理论基础 .... 7
2.1.1 内部控制 ........... 7
2.1.2 问责制 ... 8
2.1.3 质量管理 ........... 9
2.2 文献综述 .. 10
2.2.1 国外文献综述 . 10
2.2.2 国内文献综述 . 11
2.2.3 文献评述 ......... 13
3 F 独立学院基本情况 ....... 15
4 F 独立学院教学质量内部控制存在的主要问题........... 20
4.1 教学质量的问责制度不完善 ...... 20
4.2 教学质量信息反馈渠道少 .......... 20
4.3 课堂教学质量评价机制不健全.. 21
4.4 教学质量控制活动薄弱 .. 24
4.5 教学质量内部控制环境不理想.. 26V
5 F 独立学院教学质量内部控制的改进研究.......... 28
5.1 优化思路 .. 28
5.2 健全教学质量问责制度 .. 29
5.3 建立教学质量多渠道反馈机制.. 30
5.4 制定主体多元化课堂教学质量评价方案.......... 31
5.5 加强教学质量控制活动 .. 45
5.6 优化教学质量内部控制环境 ...... 45
6 研究结论..... 46