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2005 年银监会颁布《商业银行个人理财业务管理暂行办法》以来,商业银行理财业
表内资金转表外的推波助澜。截至 2015 年底,全国共有 426 家银行业金融机构有存
续理财产品,合计 60879 只,理财资金余额 23.5 万亿,而这一余额在 2012 年还仅有
7.1 万亿

伴随理财产品规模提升的还有理财产品的风险。据 Wind 资讯数据显示,2012 年
到期的银行理财产品公布到期实际收益率的 1021 款产品中有 211 款产品未实现预期
需谨慎选择》研报显示,在 2013 年 2974 款结构性理财产品中,有 86.17%的产品实
现了最高预期收益率,有 13.6%的产品实现了最低预期收益率。然而该研报表示,这


本文通过对 A 银行理财产品进行研究,分析理财产品风险的类型和成因,寻求

作 者:杨鑫奇
指导老师:杨天翔英文摘要 A 银行理财业务风险控制研究
Risk Control Research of A Bank Financial Business
As Chinas economic development and residents disposable wealth increase, people’s
demand for investment appears. Especially when in inflation, people want to keep and
increase their wealth. Since the CBRC promulgated the “Interim Measures for the
administration of personal financial services of commercial banks” in 2005, personal
financial services of commercial banks developed rapidly. By the end of 2015, the national
426 banking institutions have 60879 financial products surviving, totaled 23.5 trillion
RMB, which is only 7.1 trillion RMB in 2012.
With the increasing scale of financial products, the risk of financial products increase
at the same time. According to Wind information data, 211 of the 1021 financial products,
published in 2012,did not achieve the expected benefits. The Trust and Financing research
Institute of Southwest Finance University released a report, which showed that of 2974
structured financial products in 2013, 86.17% products achieved the highest expected
return rate while 13.6% of the products achieved the minimum expected return rate.
However, the research report said, this did not mean the risk of structured products was
reduced, but some banks only released good earning products, unpublished poor earning
products. In fact, such behavior was not uncommon.
Therefore, to strengthen risk control of the bank financial products is of great
significance for commercial banks.
Through the research on the risk of A bank financial products, this article seeks the
risk management measures, so as to enhance the risk management system of commercial
banks, improve the ability of risk control personnel of commercial banks, which is of great
significance for promoting the development of the commercial bank financial business.
Key Words: Commercial Bank; financial products; risk management
Written by: Yang Xinqi
Supervised by: Yang Tianxiang目 录
第一章 绪 论 .......1
1.1 课题的研究背景 ......1
1.2 课题的研究意义 ......2
1.3 课题研究的方法和主要内容 ..........3
第二章 相关理论与文献综述 .......5
2.1 相关理论 ......5
2.1.1 金融风险管理5
2.1.2 需求层次理论6
2.1.3 资产组合理论8
2.1.4 资本资产定价模型....9
2.2 文献综述 ....12
2.2.1 国内的研究文献......12
2.2.2 国外的研究文献......13
第三章 商业银行理财业务发展及风险概述.....16
3.1 商业银行理财业务的定义和分类 16
3.1.1 商业银行理财业务的定义..16
3.1.2 商业银行理财产品的分类..16
3.2 我国商业银行理财业务发展历程和现状 18
3.2.1 我国商业银行理财业务发展历程..18
3.2.2 我国商业银行理财业务发展现状..19
3.3 我国商业银行理财产品风险类型 20
3.3.1 市场风险.......20
3.3.2 信用风险.......21
3.3.3 流动性风险...22
3.3.4 操作风险.......23
3.3.5 法律风险.......24
3.3.6 声誉风险......25
3.4 商业银行理财业务风险的成因.....26
3.4.1 市场风险的成因.......26
3.4.2 信用风险的成因.......26
3.4.3 操作风险的成因.......26
3.4.4 声誉风险的成因.......27
第四章 A 银行理财产品概述和风险管理现状 .28
4.1 A 银行简介 .28
4.2 A 银行理财业务发展现状 .28
4.2.1 A 银行理财产品介绍 ...........28
4.2.2 A 银行理财业务风险管理现状 .......31
4.3 A 银行理财业务风险管理出现的问题 .....32
4.3.1 组织架构上不够独立和专业..........32
4.3.2 产品风险方面存在漏洞......33
4.3.3 系统的智能化监控还需升级..........34
4.3.4 操作风险还时有发生..........34
第五章 A 银行理财业务风险控制对策 .35
5.1 组织方面:健全组织架构,建立完善的风险管理体系 35
5.2 产品方面:严格做好交易投资风险管理 35
5.3 系统方面:升级理财客户的信息系统和管理系统 ........36
5.4 人员方面:提升理财人员的整体素质 ....37
5.5 操作方面:强化事前预防与事中控制机制 ........38
第六章 总结与展望 .........40
6.1 总结.40
6.2 展望 41
参考文献 .....42
攻读硕士学位期间研究成果 .........43
致 谢 .....44