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越来越重要的角色。HY 集团公司紧跟时代潮流,较早的引入了内部培训师制度,但
能够为 HY 集团公司的内部培训提供了科学的理论和方法,对 HY 集团公司的人才

等理论。第三部分主要从 HY 集团公司内部培训师队伍机构、素质状况和日常管理
情况分析了 HY 集团公司内部培训师管理情况;第四部分结合文献研究的结果和基
础理论的应用,归纳总结了现阶段 HY 集团公司内部培训师管理的流程,分析提出
了管理流程中存在的问题,发现 HY 集团公司内培师管理与内部培训的脱离是最突
出也是最根本的问题。在此基础上,第五部分提出了基于培训地图的 HY 集团公司
借鉴和参照。第六部分为保障 HY 集团公司内部培训师管理流程顺利、有效实施,

通过对 HY 集团公司内部培训师管理流程的设计,以期能有效解决集团内部培训存

关键词 学习地图;内培师管理;流程设计II
With the increasing competition in the market, the demand for talents gets higher and
higher. Enterprise training, as a form of continuing education, plays an important role in
helping enterprises to meet the fierce market competition. HY group company aims to
follow the trend of the times and the early introduction of internal trainer system, but in
training it only considers the short-term corporate training needs, while from the point of
view of the long-term development of enterprises and employees it ignores the individual
career development, and it does not reach the good training effect. Learning map and
instructional system design theory can provide scientific theory and method for the HY
group's internal training, and they are of great significance to the talent training and
long-term development of HY group company.
This paper consists of six parts, in the introduction part, the author describes the
research background, significance and research of various aspects of the management of
internal training teachers at home and abroad, and research contents and methods and so
on.The second part is the literature review, which gives a detailed explanation of the
definition of internal training management and learning function of the map, and
elaborates the theoretical basis of this paper, the adult learning, reinforcement theory,
learning organization theory, achievement need theory, incentive health care double factor
theory and risk management theory. The third part mainly from the HY group's internal
trainer team organization, quality status and daily management analyzes internal training
management of HY group company. The fourth part combines the application of the
results of the literature study and theoretical basis, sums up the management of internal
training stage HY group process, puts forward management problems, and finds out the
division HY group company internal management which is one of the most prominent and
most fundamental problems. On this basis, the fifth part puts forward the ideas and
methods of management of internal training training map of HY Corporation, and design a
series of implementation process, which in order to provide guidance for the realization of
the training division of the ultimate effect of effective management and internal training,
and to provide reference for other human resource management. The sixth part analyzes
organization support, system support, personnel support resource protection and financial
security, in order to guarantee group company internal training division management
process smoothly, and effective implementation. Through the design of HY groupIII
company internal training division management process, this paper in order to effectively
solve the problems existing in the group's internal training, and bring win-win Corporation
fot the development of company and staff.
Key words: Learning Map; Internal trainer management; Process designIVV
目 录
第 1章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究的背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 4
1.3 研究内容及研究方法 6
1.3.1 研究内容 6
1.3.2 研究方法 7
1.4 研究的技术路线 7
1.5 论文创新点 7
第 2章 相关文献综述 9
2.1 企业内部培训师管理概述 9
2.1.1 企业内部培训师管理的定义 9
2.1.2 企业内部培训师管理的作用 9
2.2 学习地图概述 10
2.2.1 学习地图的概念及绘制步骤10
2.2.2 学习地图对于内部培训师管理的作用 10
2.3 理论基础 11
2.3.1 成人学习理论 11
2.3.2 强化学习理论 13
2.3.3 学习型组织理论 13
2.3.4 成就需要理论 14
2.2.5 激励-保健双因素理论及应用14
2.3.6 风险管理理论 14
2.4 本章小结 15
第 3章 HY集团公司内部培训师管理现状分析17
3.1 HY 集团公司概况 17
3.2 HY 集团公司内部培训师队伍结构现状 17
3.3 HY 集团公司内部培训师素质状况 18 VI
3.4 HY 集团公司内部培训师日常管理情况 19
3.5 本章小结20
第 4章 HY集团公司内部培训师管理流程及存在问题21
4.1 HY 集团公司内部培训师管理流程 21
4.2 HY 集团公司内部培训师管理流程存在的问题 22
4.2.1 与培训脱节,管理成本增加 22
4.2.2 缺乏有针对性的课程体系 23
4.2.3 盲目崇拜职权,选拔机制不合理 23
4.2.4 培养没重点,竞争机制缺失 24
4.2.5 激励方式单一,内部培训师积极性较差 24
4.3 本章小结 25
第 5章 基于学习地图的 HY集团公司内部培训师管理流程优化 27
5.1 设计原则27
5.1.1 系统性原则 27
5.1.2 经济性原则 27
5.1.3 化繁为简原则 27
5.1.4 实用性原则 28
5.2 优化设计思路 28
5.3 流程分解说明 31
5.3.1 绘制 HY 集团公司培训地图 M1 31
5.3.2 内部培训师人才库日常管理与培养 I1 40
5.3.3 内部培训流程 T1 41
5.3.4 HY 集团公司内部培训师激励管理 I243
5.4 本章小结 44
第 6章 HY集团内部培训师管理流程实施的保障45
6.1 组织支持 45
6.2 制度支持 45
6.3 人员支持 46
6.4 资金保障 46
6.5 资源保障 46
6.6 本章小结 47
结 论 49
攻读硕士学位期间所发表的论文53 VII
致 谢 55
个人简历57 1