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随着 1978 年市场经济体制的建立,国有企业也建立了相应的薪酬管理体制,然而,




关键词 薪酬制度 制度优化 绩效考核 制度实施Abstract
China's state-owned enterprises salary system, great changes since the establishment of
market economy system, but the disadvantages of state-owned enterprises for a long time in
the salary management left the advance of reform has caused no small obstacle. Facing the
tide of market impact, the shortcomings of the traditional salary system of state-owned
enterprises to bring trouble and pressure has become increasingly obvious, the salary system
reform of state-owned enterprises has been urgent. With the development of society and
individual development consciousness, more and more workers to compensation as
enterprises for their own ability and pay for sure, even is a kind of expectations for future
development. In this case, the incentive function of compensation will become more apparent,
but also become a broad topic of how to play the role of incentive pay to maximize. Beijing
Shougang Construction Group Company current situation of human resources from the point
of view, also met with other enterprises which are facing bottleneck, through effective
compensation mechanism to attract, keep, to further stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff,
active and creative, better faster to promote development of the company, is a Beijing
Shougang Construction Group company urgently needs to study and solve an important
This paper aims to explore a set of salary system for the target of the development strategy
of Beijing Shougang Construction Group Company and effectively enhance their
competitiveness improvement program, using the method of literature research and empirical
research method of combining, design the questionnaire and get the data line in Beijing
Shougang Construction Group employees. This paper takes Beijing Shougang Construction
Group company salary system improvement as the main line, mainly divided into five parts:
the first part contain the background of the theme, the research purpose and research
methods. Discuss related compensation system is introduced in the second part. The third part
introduces the status of Beijing Shougang Construction Group Company compensation
system. The fourth part is on the basis of the third part, for the optimization design of BeijingAbstract
Shougang Construction Group company salary system, job analysis, job evaluation, external
investigation, salary structure design, performance evaluation optimization steps. The fifth
part is the implementation of the Beijing Shougang Construction Group Company
compensation system optimization, ensure the improvement of salary system smoothly. The
sixth part is the research conclusions and outlook. In the hope of providing help for the
specific implementation of the company's salary system reform, and suggests that the
company constantly improve the salary management system, explore many kinds of salary
incentive, employee and enterprise win-win results.
Keywords Construction Corporation salary system improvement implementationIV
目 录
第 1 章 绪 论1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 研究目的与研究方法 2
1.3.1 文献研究法2
1.3.2 问卷调查法2
1.4 论文创新点 2
1.5 论文内容框架 2
第 2 章 薪酬理论分析 4
2.1 薪酬的界定 4
2.1.1 基本薪酬4
2.1.2 奖金4
2.1.3 福利4
2.1.4 津贴5
2.2 国外薪酬研究现状 5
2.2.1 战略性薪酬5
2.2.2 经理薪酬6
2.2.3 薪酬激励管理6
2.3 国内薪酬研究现状 7
2.3.1 宽带薪酬制度7
2.3.2 薪酬结构8
2.3.3 薪酬策略9
2.3.4 薪酬激励9
第 3 章 北京首钢建设集团公司薪酬制度现状评价 10
3.1 北京首钢建设集团公司概况 10
3.2 北京首钢建设集团公司组织结构图 10V
3.3 北京首钢建设集团公司薪酬制度现状11
3.3.1 公司职工层次类型结构图11
3.3.2 公司总体薪酬要素结构 12
3.3.3 绩效考核 15
3.3.4 薪酬考核与发放 15
3.3.5 薪酬激励 16
3.4 北京首钢建设集团公司薪酬制度员工满意度调查 16
3.4.1 员工薪酬满意度调查问卷 16
3.4.2 调查问卷和统计方法 16
3.4.3 薪酬满意度调查与评价 17
3.5 公司薪酬制度存在的问题 18
3.5.1 薪酬结构单一、体系设计欠缺灵活性 18
3.5.2 薪酬激励设计不妥、晋升机制缺失 19
3.5.3 薪酬考核机制简略、不细致不透明 19
3.5.4 基层员工工资价值评估不准确 20
3.6 产生上述问题的原因 20
第 4 章 北京首钢建设集团公司薪酬制度的改进设计 21
4.1 薪酬制度改进的基本目标、基本原则 21
4.1.1 基本目标 21
4.1.2 基本原则 21
4.2 职位分析 23
4.3 岗位评估 24
4.4 外部调查 25
4.5 不同岗位的薪酬结构设计 25
4.5.1 工资总量薪资标准 26
4.5.2 岗位薪点工作与绩效工作比例 26
4.5.3 薪资项目 26
4.5.4 薪资级别 26VI
4.5.5 薪酬档位 27
4.5.6 工龄补贴 28
4.6 绩效考核制度改进 28
4.6.1 绩效奖金分配直接与岗位岗级挂钩 28
4.6.2 绩效奖金二次分配 29
4.6.3 绩效奖金基数 29
4.6.4 个人绩效奖金系数 29
4.6.5 绩效考核具体内容 30
第 5 章 北京首钢建设集团公司薪酬制度改进的实施 33
5.1 薪酬制度改进的实施 33
5.1.1 组织筹划阶段 33
5.1.2 组织培训阶段 33
5.1.3 全面实施阶段 33
5.1.4 反馈评估阶段 34
5.1.5 全面评价阶段 34
5.2 薪酬制度改进实施的保障措施 34
5.2.1 成立薪酬制度改革领导小组 34
5.2.2 做好宣传动员工作 35
5.2.3 完善人力资源保障 35
5.2.4 完善相关制度保障 35
5.3 实施过程的控制和修正 36
5.3.1 薪酬变革的引导 36
5.3.2 提升薪酬设计的收益性与时效性 36
5.3.3 提升薪酬设计的动态性 36
第 6 章 结论与展望 37
6.1 结论 37
6.2 研究展望 38
6.2.1 探索多种激励方式 38VII
6.2.2 加强企业文化的引导作用 38
6.3 结束语 38
参考文献 40
附 录 43
致 谢 461